
Responses from bryoncunningham

Shielding components from EMI/RFI... Help please
Hi Al - I checked for continuity between the tabs in the computer's ethernet port and the computer's IEC ground pin. You were right, the port is grounded.Correct me if I am wrong, Al, but that seems to help explain something that puzzled me at the... 
Do you believe in Magic?
Today I had another encounter with Magic. I installed a maestro outlet for my dedicated line. It replaced another outlet from a highly regarded (as these things go) manufacturer. I tried the new outlet out of curiosity. And by 'curiosity' I mean p... 
Shielding components from EMI/RFI... Help please
Thanks again, Al. A few final questions...You mentioned a couple times that a ground must have an "effective path." I don't really know what the factors are that make a ground path effective.To ground the ethernet switch, I drilled through the met... 
Shielding components from EMI/RFI... Help please
Here are the results of my experiments with grounding…THE SETUPCOMPUTER ->50’ shielded ethernet cable ->ETHERNET SWITCH ->1’ ethernet cable ->SONOS ->s/pdif cable ->RECLOCKER ->s/pdif cable ->MERIDIAN G68 ->analog interc... 
Shielding components from EMI/RFI... Help please
Thanks, Al, for that detailed response. I'm in the middle of a long series of tests, trying to determine the best grounding arrangement. I will report back when the results are in.Bryon 
Shielding components from EMI/RFI... Help please
Follow up... I bought this ethernet switch to replace my Apple Airport and it works great. But when I got around to grounding it yesterday, I discovered that there is no obvious way to ground it.I thought there would be a grounding tab on the chas... 
Shielding components from EMI/RFI... Help please
Hey Sean - You can see a picture of some of the shields I added to the Meridian G68 here. I haven't taken a picture of the other enclosures yet.Bryon 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
I’ve just read through this thread with considerable interest. I have not heard the QOL, but from what I can tell from this thread and from the information on the BSG website, QOL is designed to accomplish something very similar to Trifield, the s... 
Shielding components from EMI/RFI... Help please
Update… Things are winding down. Here’s what I’ve added to the system:--A total of 11 shields to the Meridian G68. Each shield is a sandwich comprised of 16 gauge copper, 22 gauge steel, and TI Shield. I placed shields around the power supply, the... 
Shielding components from EMI/RFI... Help please
My TI Shield arrived yesterday. I was thinking about placing it around the switching mode power supply in the G68. I think Kijanki warned me not to get magnetic materials too close to the power supply.Anyone know how close is too close? And what w... 
Are film capacitors directional?
Thanks, Al!! 
Are film capacitors directional?
Thanks guys.R2 = 10W 3.3ΩR4= 5W 3.9Ωbc 
Are film capacitors directional?
Since Al's valiant effort to help me determine the directionality of these caps has failed to produce an answer, I emailed Parts Connexion, who sold me the Mundorf caps. They said this...Regarding the caps...while caps aren't polarized.....some pe... 
The Emperor DAC has no Clothes
02-19-12: LearsfoolMy main point in this context is to state that too many audiophiles tend to assume that just because component A uses a more expensive part than component B, that it is therefore going to sound better.I think you're probably rig... 
Are film capacitors directional?
Hi Al,I borrowed a Fluke 115 from a friend. Here is the owner's manual. I tried the procedure again, and again I got confusing results. I think I should seek medical assistance for a severe multimeter learning disability.At the risk of testing you...