
Responses from bryoncunningham

Do you believe in Magic?
Geoff, trying to have a conversation with you reminds me of something Wittgenstein said...Suppose everyone had a box with something in it: we call it a "beetle." No one can look into anyone else's box, and everyone says he knows what a beetle is o... 
Do you believe in Magic?
03-10-12: SabaiRegarding science, so-called science has been proven false so many times throughout history that this is where the LOL should often be inserted. IMHO.There is certainly some truth to this. The history of science is littered with fal... 
Do you believe in Magic?
03-10-12: SabaiYou and others may wish that there be an explanation for everything out there but that does not mean that there is one.I agree. IMO, there may be some phenomena that permanently defy explanation. Having said that, I am generally an ... 
Do you believe in Magic?
03-09-12: SabaiThe description is not the described. The perception may be explained in various ways. But it exists in its own realm outside the world of explanation -- whether valid, partially valid or invalid.I agree. There is the world and ther... 
Shielding components from EMI/RFI... Help please
Thanks, Al. 
Shielding components from EMI/RFI... Help please
I've been putting the finishing touches on reducing the effects of EMI/RFI by putting ferrites on things.I've put some ferrites on power cords in the system (only on components whose performance is not affected by current draw).I've also been wand... 
Do you believe in Magic?
03-08-12: GeoffkaitThe limit of knowledge and understanding for whom? It's a little presumptuous to say we know all about science, or all about physics.I honestly don't know what you're saying here. Who is the "we" you are referring to? Is your co... 
Do you believe in Magic?
Thank you, Geoff, for your substantive response. As it turns out, I don't have an opinion about whether there are manufacturers of audiophile products who deliberately deceive their potential customers with explanations they know to be false. I ce... 
Most forgiving high end speaker 10k-20k?
Some good suggestions here. I would second Sonus Faber. I would add Dynaudio.I think Onhwy61's advice is excellent: focus on system synergy. As others suggested, I would start with the speaker/room interface. Then choose an amp that mates well wit... 
Do you believe in Magic?
See the difference?Yes, Geoff, I do see the difference. I misunderstood what you were attempting to express. My misunderstanding isn't for want of reading comprehension, I assure you.This unfortunate tangent began when, in response to my comment t... 
Do you believe in Magic?
03-05-12: GeoffkaitQuantum Mechanics is used deliberately by manufacturers to cover up a more mundane, conventional explanation, to protect their invention. Maybe the Bybee device is only a resister. LolI'm surprised to hear you say this, Geoff, a... 
Do you believe in Magic?
I have to admit, Geoff, I don't understand your comment. 
Shielding components from EMI/RFI... Help please
Thanks, Al. Everything you said makes sense. It's interesting that you took Dr. Johnson's course. It looks very interesting, although most of it would go way over my head.Let me take this opportunity to say that, during this process, you've been a... 
Do you believe in Magic?
Ok, Sabai, you convinced me. I will look around for some Bybee products. :-)bc 
Do you believe in Magic?
Hi Metralla - I didn't mention the other outlet because I didn't want folks to interpret my post as "X is better than Y." With that caveat, the other outlet was Synergistic Research's Teslaplex. I also own PS Audio's Power Port and Shunyata's SR-Z...