

Responses from bombaywalla

Racquetball isolation platform perfection
Structure-Bourne and Air-Bourne sound transmissions into materials are vastly different to those transmissions excited by ImpactWTF cares if they are different mechanizms of sound transmission. The net effect on the gear, rack, TT is the same - re... 
Racquetball isolation platform perfection
Without this information, all your assumptions and knuckle rapping are about as useless as your dismissal of the role of science and physics in audio?HalcroI never dismissed science & physics in audio! you have misconstrued my words & minc... 
Racquetball isolation platform perfection
04-24-09: HalcroProblem is Bombay, that you simply don't understand the physics and acoustics involved in translating 'impact-induced' sound transmission with either Structure-Bourne or Air-Bourne Sound transmissionThe problem Halcro is that you c... 
Racquetball isolation platform perfection
Undertow,good story & good reminder that (if possible) not having the rack in between the speakers is ideal. Thanx for taking the trouble to provide all the system pix links. FYI, I did *not* forget that having the rack off to the side would g... 
Racquetball isolation platform perfection
I hit your turntable or stand holding your turntable do you think its gonna feel it and your gonna hear it thru the speakers? OF COURSE!No, Undertow, if the rack & TT is built well then you will NOT! That's the point I'm trying to make.If you ... 
Racquetball isolation platform perfection
04-24-09: Chashas1Thanks, I am delighted to be forgiven and dismissed all in one paragraph.glad you noticed & ack it! good wall shelf will have less of a sonic signature than the tweeks you have been suggestingI never denied that. All I said ... 
Racquetball isolation platform perfection
Hey Chashas1,thanx for the clarification & apologies.Looks like agree to disagree on TT fundamentals. That's fine with me as we each are entitled to our own opinions.To all you table rappers out there, stop it. It proves nothing.I'd like someb... 
Racquetball isolation platform perfection
04-23-09: UndertowOkay, so here is what I want to know… knuckle rapping cannot be very well proven to tell you anything with a turntable isolation.Undertow, why not??first anything physically "Knocking" on something attached to your cartridge will... 
Racquetball isolation platform perfection
04-23-09: Chashas1Knuckle rapping and raquetballs are sooo 80's....I thought I was reading a back issue of Audio.Come on, guys, progress a little, will ya? hey Chashas1 maybe you want to tell these words to fine folks at Ginko Audio (who make TT i... 
Racquetball isolation platform perfection
04-23-09: Chashas1Well, sorry bomby, but you are clearly wrong in asserting that turntable design hasn't changed. You must be locked in some time warp. I'm afraid I differ in this from you. I still say the fundamentals that are used to design a TT... 
Racquetball isolation platform perfection
04-23-09: Chashas1Knuckle rapping and raquetballs are sooo 80's....I thought I was reading a back issue of Audio.Come on, guys, progress a little, will ya? you are like Wall Street that thought since they were in 2008 (modern times, the time of in... 
Racquetball isolation platform perfection
04-22-09: HalcroBombaywalla,Can you provide any scientific study or evidence, any physical or acoustic principles or formulae which correlates the 'knuckle rapping test' with the behaviour of 'real-world' acoustical feedback? I don't have any evid... 
Racquetball isolation platform perfection
Keep the conversation coming.I for one can't learn enough about the couple/Decoupling topic and the hobby in general.OK! :-) here goes:- last night I did an isolation test (the idea was provided by a vinyl-phile from overseas) wherein I switched o... 
Racquetball isolation platform perfection
good discussion guys & perfect timing for me! :-) I am in the midst of making a tweak to my TT isolation platform! I've had a sandbox with a "floating" top-plate under TT for the last many yrs but recently felt (after reading some threads on a... 
Wadia 170i and a Cary 306/200 CD player
The Wadia 170i has analog outputs i.e. L & R. you connect these analog outputs into your preamp line level input & you are set to go. Don't have to mess with the rear panel of the Cary CDP.Now you can switch between the Cary & the Wadi...