

Responses from bombaywalla

Miss my Dunlavy Speakers, Were to go...
Mailman199,my reco would be Green Mountain Audio. I believe that, besides the silk dome tweeter, the Dunlavy's were 1st-order x-over which is what the Green Mountain Audio speakers are. I believe, from my personal experience, you should find a sim... 
Mapleshade boards under speakers
06-16-09: Jrb25How does a platform or brass footer "drain vibrations"? Do vibrations act like heat or fluid and flow through materials? Wouldn't footers actually prevent propagation of vibration from an external region (like the floor) to the plat... 
p300 and rc400
Wondering if this is a positive thing or not. I'm curious to know where your doubt stems from?(surely it cannot be from a total current draw stand-point as the P300 is rated for 3A nominal, 4.85A max. So, even if you had 2 of them running at full... 
Kudos to speed controllers
Agree! I recently added a motor controller by way of a PS Audio P300 unit which has the Multiwave II oscillator board. I am able to precisely control the motor speed in 1/8th Hz steps. Indeed, like you, I can see the stroboscope lines lock i.e. st... 
Shakti Stones Do they actuall work guys.
09-10-06: TimrhuThey definitely work if you believe they work.09-11-06: Jax2I believe if you believe in the belief that there is a possibility of believing something will work in the real world, and that your belief is what makes that thing work..... 
Tri-planar vs Graham
Oh and Thom: you've been very gracious and always given me great advice - I've been meaning to thank you.Madfloydsend him a bloody nice email & graciously thank him for all the free help he has selflessly offered you. :-) IMHO the situation de... 
Are more turntable motors better?
05-10-09: KlinermThanks, Guys. I see the new TW Acustic for $$$$$ has 3 motors, so maybe there is some advantage if everything is properly controlled, but, like so many things in our hobby, the answer is probably "it depends." what I noticed about... 
Are pallets mandatory for shipping crates?
just tried to paint a picture in my mind's eye of your situation - it appears to me that you should have pallets. The speaker boxes could be strapped to the pallet thereby making the whole shipment very secure. The shipping company is very likely ... 
impedence value.? amp to preamp.
The result is that the high output impedance of the volume control, with the high input impedance of the amp, and the character of the interconnect cable itself will result in drive difficulties at low volume, because the source impedance will be ... 
impedence value.? amp to preamp.
05-05-09: Bob_reynoldsSorry for being dense, but I don't understand what interactions there would be by adding a resistor bewteen the source and amp. Could you give some examples? Thanks.Bob, 1stly, who is the question directed to? The forum in ge... 
impedence value.? amp to preamp.
05-05-09: SidsspThe concern of resistor based attenuator is that the output impedance changes a lot depending on the setting. That means when matched with a low input impedance amp, your system may sound very different as you turns the volume up a... 
Tube amps that kick ass?
hmmmmmmm..........Gallant_diva seems to have retained his highly off-putting nature! 
Racquetball isolation platform perfection
My sincere apologies to you Timtim. I assure you that is was NOT my intention. Way up in this thread, Emorrisiv wrote "keep it coming" in that he wanted to have a dialogue re. isolation, etc & I posted with very good intentions. Since then I'm... 
Racquetball isolation platform perfection
Chashas1,Please don't be sad for me & please don't pity me - I know when I've shut my mind to new knowledge, when I've opened my mind, when I'm upset at somebody & when I'm agreeable with somebody.I don't like tooting my own horn & I d... 
Which preamp for Symphonic Line Kraft amps?
Hi Jonathan,How's it going?I just wanted to find out if you had received your Symphonic Line Kraft 300 amps? I believe that you intended to buy 2 so that you could biamp your Megalines.Please let us know if you received your amps & what you th...