

Responses from bombaywalla

09-01-09: KijankiThere is no perfect device. Mosfets output stages are:- more robust than transistors- have higher bandwidth - are more tolerant of difficult loads but are:- less efficient since have lower voltage swing from the same supply voltag... 
Resampling my music collection
Learn to read by inference. Dnewhous, This is some something I try extremely hard NOT to do on Audiogon!! You MUST be new to this forum?? Keep trying your "read by inference" & see how much trouble you land yourself in! ;-) I've been down this... 
Resampling my music collection
08-29-09: DnewhousAny other DSP process will do its own resampling if it encounters 44.1 kHz audio, and the quality of that resampling will be entirely unpredictable.Dnewhous, do explain this statement of yours as you seem to have lost me w/ your ... 
Resampling my music collection
From a pure engineering perspective, upsampling to 96KHz would be better - the DAC analog filter will have less of an effect on the hi freq of the music. You trade off disk space vs. audio quality - disk space is relatively cheap today. that if I ... 
Changing your tune
Glory, you just had a hurricane rip thru Destin, FL. I had a school friend vacationing there & he was on the beach watching the waves & feeling the strong beach.How did you fare in the storm?? 
Changing your tune
Glory,you get credit for admitting your pig-headedness during your junior years & you get credit for finally maturing & realizing that hi-(sp)end audio is a very subjective hobby/obsession & that 2 people listening to your very own sys... 
Recall of Krell Amplifiers
Man, there is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much love for Krell - it's just ooooozing out from every member here!! ;-)LOL, Audiofeil!! 
08-05-09: Foster_9From what I've read (never heard) Gryphon's reputation is for being accurate, transparent, cool, fast, detailed, possibly analytical.a good friend of mine owns the Antillean Signature stereo amp which I have heard many times (wit... 
Yamaha Amp Nostalgia
I like vintage Yamaha amps too. while i do not have an M2 or any of its cousins, I do own a CA-2010 from the 1977 era. Pix posted in my bedroom system. Gorgeous amp with VU meters. Not meant to drive a hard load & it seems that, back in those,... 
DH Labs Digital Audio RCA ...any good?
Dgaylin, yet another place to buy inexpensive cables is http://www.ramelectronics.net 
Scott Nixon Chibi Saru DAC with PSX: Review
Celtic66, I've the Scott Nixon Saru DAC+ & I also think that this DAC is an excellent buy & sonically is a very accomplished piece. I compared it to the Bel Canto DAC2 & while the DAC2 was superior, the Saru DAC+ held its own very well... 
Modification Nightmares
To further Tvad's point, you need to 1st ask yourself* why are you wanting to modify your equipment? i.e. what is wrong w/ it? or, what is deficient? * when the equipment is modified, what do you expect to achieve sonically? (this is of course rel... 
Pass Amps Class A operation
07-23-09: Gippbombaywalla - is your comment about the inefficiency of the Sonus Faber GP also applicable to the more recent Grand Piano Home model?No! I would not extrapolate my comment w.r.t. the SF Grand Piano to your particular speaker. Almarg ... 
B&W 802 N vs. D
Tuanloinoel,thank you for your kind words. I am happy to read that the info re. the amp-speaker interface + my review of the TARA Labs cables were helpful to you.I believe that Kodg has answered your question better than I could have.Best regards. 
bi-amping and effect on cross over
From limited experience I have noticed that x-overs use both large C & L values. In those manuf that do not believe in biamping &/or biwiring, these manuf have used the combination of the large L & C value to effectively resonante each...