

Responses from bombaywalla

"New" Tannoy System 12s
I have the "OLD" DMT10 Mk2 speakers which I *think* belong to the same family of speakers as your "New" System 12 except that they are from the older generation (which are less hi-fi sounding & more neutral across the audio range).I am driving... 
Bias on solid state?
07-15-10: GrimaceRight, but to the best of my knowledge, the Nevistors are only in the pre section of the integrated, not the output power amp section.Should the adjustment have any practical effect on sound?you usually do not bias the preamp tube... 
Threshold SA/4E or Pass X-250??
The Threshold I have heard and it is something special. But it is very old, and runs very hot. this is normal for this sort of amp - biased in pure class-A. I believe that the heatsink fins get somewhere in the 52-54C range, which is by design. 
amp clipping or low freq causing pumping speakers
Your TT looks to be pretty well isolated using the SRA platform. You rack looks OK too. All-the-same, like Rodman99999, I believe that you have acoustic feedback when you play LPs. It could very well be the speaker design. It could also be a subso... 
amplifier power consumption
Just to further Almarg's & Jea48's point re. ensuring that you buy a UPS with a true sinewave output - I understand that some friends bought an UPS that did not (i.e. output a sq. wave) & they were not aware of this & it fried the elec... 
B&W's objective opinions lean or accurate
Still_learning,looks like your budget is in the range of $8600 - $9200 (I see several 802Ds for sale here on Audiogon in this range). Besides considering Vandersteens (which Knownothing is pushing) also consider Green Mountain Audio speakers. Thes... 
B&W's objective opinions lean or accurate
Oh, you are damn right in saying that B&W speakers have been much discussed & bashed on Audiogon. I cannot think of another brand that has evoked such strong opinions from so many people & sustained each time the word "B&W" comes u... 
Wadia 170i Transport + DAC
05-05-10: Paulg1What is 'high jitter?'Paulg1 (Threads | Answers)this is a loaded question & has many subjective answers. It also gets many people into a fight as there are many different beliefs on the matter! Be warned! :-)There is much writt... 
Best "Upgrades" to Jolida 202a
I believe that the 202A is quite similar to the 502A/B amps - the former being EL34 based & the latter 6550/KT88 based. I used to own a 502A on which I had several mods done. I found the original amp to be very dark & lacking bass clarity.... 
Inactive audio members that you miss
Yes, I miss the same guys that Alberporter wrote - I was very active on this forum about the same time that fellows whose names Albert mentioned were.To add to Albert's list:TWL --> he knew analog like the back of his hand & who can forget ... 
Inactive audio members that you miss
[q]I miss hearing from Aball. His knowledge on Mac items was superb. His voice has been silent for awhile now.[/q]I visited Aball last Aug @ his residence. He was very friendly & hospitable & my visit was very enjoyable. If memory serves m... 
Sterophile's not so nice review of Bryston
Agree with those members who believe that audiophile mag component reviews are for mere entertainment & glossy pix. Nothing more! Read them with this in mind.I know a reviewer who works for a audio e-magazine & he told me that the editor o... 
green mountain calypso ?
a little bit of info in this thread:http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?cspkr&1148577325maybe you can contact some of the owners offline? I also know that member "cenline" has these speakers (you can see them listed in his system). Maybe h... 
recommendations for tube dampers???
wow Zaikesman! you're a voice from the past!! :-) several of the people like you seemed to have left this forum some time ago & it feels lonely here....good to see a post from you.... 
Great phono pre
yeah, Frankpiet, I also could not find any info on this esoteric phono pre that you acquired. Can you point us in a direction where we can read some info on it even if it's German?? Thanx.