

Responses from bombaywalla

pure ipod dock
i *think* that the guys are talking about this iPod i-20 dock from PURE:http://www.pure.com/products/product.asp?Product=VL-61429&Category= 
Van den hul The Second Ultimate XLR
03-22-11: AudiofeilExcellent timing mgguy. it's the carbon fibre! :-D :-D 
If you have a line conditioner, does noise matter?
My understanding of these various line conditioners is that they control spikes and brown outs to keep the volts at 120 +-. Shouldn't this take care of the ac "noise" on the lines allowing only the music to flow through unimpeded?Conditioning the ... 
Where does your user name come from?
02-17-11: Albertportertennis was my favorite sport at the time my username was selected.Now tennis is my favoriteAmazing! :-D Thanx Albert!Also amazing all but 1 are Russian/East European..... 
Best new Liquid conductor technologies-Audio Magic
Pani,Thanks for the link to the S-L specs. Looks like you certainly quoted what was written on that website. What bothers me is that his German website does not give even half of these specs:http://www.symphonic-line.de/preise_endverstaerker.html#... 
Best new Liquid conductor technologies-Audio Magic
01-20-11: Pani3. Symphonic line amplifiers are extremely conservative in their ratings. They put out loads of current. My amp is a full dual mono design with a current capability of 60 amps per channel and stable to 1 ohm. It is class A/B but is b... 
Is the Monarchy DIP effective?
12-31-10: OzzyWell, after a very tedious comparison with or without the Monarchy Combo in the signal chain......you honestly tried & it did not work out for you - so be it. Too bad for you but also it might be that the SB Touch is already very... 
Is the Monarchy DIP effective?
Just purchased a monarchy 48 and a monarchy 24/96 and CI audio ps and a ps audio 300 for my I transport and front end soure... i transport, dac & hp amp. If I use the DIP in tandem ,what order should it be ? It will go to a wadia 27 dac. Any r... 
Is the Monarchy DIP effective?
Ozzy good to read that the Monarchy Combo worked for the better for you.:-) 
Is the Monarchy DIP effective?
12-22-10: OzzyCerrot, Bombaywalla, I finally found a Monarchy Combo to try. Should get it in a few days.excellent! do keep us posted. I hope that it gives you the improvement that you are looking for.... 
Is the Monarchy DIP effective?
though I would be interested to see what Ozzy's experience may have been with the Combo Cerrot, that's exactly what I was recommending to Ozzy - either buying the DIP Classic & the DIP 48/98 Upsampler OR, as you suggested, the DIP Combo. I bel... 
Can you identify these components?
I wonder if the power amp is a Forte (down-market brand from Threshold)?? 
Is the Monarchy DIP effective?
12-17-10: OzzyBombaywalla, to add another box plus digital cables and power cables is too much to spend for a maybe, iffy improvement.understand.... 
Is the Monarchy DIP effective?
Bradz,Ozzy needs to qualify his answer as he did not do the job correctly: What Ozzy bought & tried out in his system was the Monarchy DIP 48/96 Upsampler unit. This unit's main job is async rate conversion with jitter reduction I would say as... 
Who is the KING of MONOS?
Nothing dumb about this thread or the participants. More goodies get added every day.Hear that Audiofeil? I'm afraid that I have to agree with Audiofeil - it's a blatantly dumb & idiotic question to ask. Not going to comment on the quality of ...