

Responses from bombaywalla

Could Monarchy DIP Combo improve my Logitech Touch
So, perhaps there needs to be more break in time, perhaps the Touch digital signal is so good that the Monarchy Dip is not necessary.I will give it a few more days.Anyone else have any thoughts or suggestions?it might be that the Squeezebox & ... 
Wadia S7i direct to amp
A 3db reduction in power corresponds to a 3db reduction in voltage, for a given impedance. A 6db reduction in power corresponds to a 6db reduction in voltage, for a given impedance. Almarg, you are correct. Guys, I stand corrected on this.P1 = V1^... 
Wadia S7i direct to amp
so, a 3dB reduction in voltage corresponds to a 6dB reduction in power. wrong! a 3dB reduction in POWER corresponds to a 6dB reduction in VOLTAGE.i took a look at the wadia manual, and i think that there is an error in the manual.I had a good laug... 
Wadia S7i direct to amp
the digital preamplifier is operating on voltage (and not power), so 3dB is a halving of voltage level.wrong! every 6dB (i.e. every 12 steps) is halving of the voltage amplitude. You correctly wrote that the digital amp works in the voltage domain... 
You got to be ?& ยท Kidding me
To be as short as possible, I just came across many articles on the web regarding a trend amongst DAC designers to disregard all the Industry has learnt and done in 30 years and go back to the basics.I am on the market for a new DAC, so I was rese... 
Could Monarchy DIP Combo improve my Logitech Touch
Would the Monarchy DIP Combo improve my Logitech Touch? I am not sure what type of jitter issues would the logitech transfer to my DAC (Chord DAC64)?Any suggestion? Rapogee Rapogee, you might want to spend a little time & understand the (compl... 
Wadia S7i direct to amp
that's why you don't start losing significant bits (from the 16-bit input stream recovered from the cd) until you hit a digital output level of about 65 (out of 100). each step in the digital output level knocks off about 0.5dB, so by the time you... 
Wadia S7i direct to amp
i'll say this again: don't take my word for it, READ THE WADIA WHITEPAPERS and draw your own conclusions. wadia has several whitepapers posted on their website that anyone can download and read.OK, I see that I am right & you are also right - ... 
Wadia S7i direct to amp
however, where it can make a difference is that you can lose resolution through the process or digital attenuation. the source material from a redbook cd has 16 bits of digital resolution. the wadia operates with 21 bits of digital resolution. Pap... 
New op amps, good idea?
Thanks for all the additional input. I think the power supply will be targeted as well as the bridge rectifier, caps and resistors, as per Bombaywalla's great advice (really nice Scinnies by the way and the Cat/Symphonic must make an outstanding c... 
New op amps, good idea?
While it is true that technology has improved today compared to 1991, I would have to say that biggest trend today is that things have become more digital - HD TV, HD radio, digital modulation schemes for cellphone over-the-air protocols, digital ... 
Class D vs Class A Education
>> Can anyone some it up in a nut shell if possible what>> the difference in design and output are of class D vs>> class A power?>>>> Thank You!I believe, from reading the above text, that you asked for an education i... 
Your feelings on vintage audio.
Vintage audio gear is fantastic from my (limited) personal experience. I believe that "they" do not make such type of audio gear anymore. One DOES have to be careful with which speakers one connects to the amps 'cuz most of the integrated amps can... 
Schroder sq and the new talea
The discriminated analog Enthusiast shouldn't be despaired, do your own comparison with the Originals: Well Tempered Arm /Triplanar. Good point, Syntax. The Schroeder is son of Well-Tempered, and the Talea is son of Triplanar (as are Reed and Gran... 
The Hub: Numbers unclear, but strongest RMAF yet!
Edgiest of the presentations was Michael Mercer's "Embracing the Industry's Future" panel with Head-Fi's Jude Mansilla and Positive Feedback's Dave Clark, amongst others. The general sense of the group was that the industry's best days are ahead o...