

Responses from bombaywalla

Direct Digital Amplifiers
Bombaywalla, Adjusted analog quantity is duty cycle. For instance, when you adjust oscillator's frequency by turning knob it doesn't matter if output signal is square, triangle or sinewave - your adjustment is still analog. The fact that voltage j... 
Direct Digital Amplifiers
Bombaywalla, Class D amp doesn't convert anything to digital. It converts analog voltage to analog duty cycle of square wave and back to analog voltage thru filtering....you are right, Kijanki. I was trying to be simplistic in the interest of expl... 
Direct Digital Amplifiers
12-11-12: WilllandI am not sure if this is exactly what you are referring to ....technically, a "direct digital amplifier" is a class-D amplifier that can accept, at its inputs, a digital pulse code modulated (PCM) data stream. Accepting a (digita... 
Basis 2500, 2800 or Debut - which would you use?
....But I would buy it with a Phantom Arm instead of the Vector.Syntax hello Syntax, could you please explain why you would prefer the Graham Phantom arm over the Basis Vector arm? I would like to understand your reasoning. Thank you. 
How big of a difference do amps make?
the source makes the most difference 'cuz if the source does not create the sound, the downstream components are sure not going to amplify them! so, i would 1st spend money on your source, get it to where you feel comfortable money-wise & soun... 
CAT SL1 vs Modwright LS 36.5
well, i've not heard the Atma-sphere MP-1 so I cannot comment on its sonics; someday I will hear that preamp....As far as the CAT preamp goes, I've owned a SL-1 Sig Mk3 for many years & at present I own a SL-1 Renaissance. Both preamps, IMHO, ... 
What makes a good piece of audio gear ?
11-08-12: ElizabethThe blue smoke.....lol! in yester years it used to be red or green smoke but these days the colour of the smoke has changed to blue. Or, is it a blue (errr.....purple) haze? 
sansui or yamaha
I'm afraid that I disagree with both Yogiboy & Kennythekey. I have a vintage Yamaha CA-2010 that I think lives up to its name of "Natural Sound Amplifier". I do not find that its sound is thin at all. In fact, I need to plug one of the bass po... 
Kill-A-Watt...any one use one?
My monthy bill is $55 Winter, $80 Summer, with air on.nice! i would sure like to have your electric bill!! ;-) 
Singer sounds lower than ear level, help raise it
10-25-12: TimrhuTurn the speakers upside down.you know, I almost wrote a post yesterday (10/25/12) with the same advice!! ;-)I looked at it a bit more & decided that it would not make sense because the tweeter is in the middle (with the midran... 
"Native" 192 vs Upsampled 192 quality?
Kijanki is on the right track here according to me. A native 24/192 file is quite different sonically from an upsampled 16/44.1 --> 24/192 file. This is because the upsampled file is smoothed out by the digital filter in the DAC once the upsamp... 
Three recent, key learnings
1: There really is a thing such as system synergy.....nice to read your post & read your realizations. I'm afraid that I have to disagree with your revelation of "system synergy" - there is no such thing as system synergy. Each & every aud... 
A Great US Company
yup, I 2nd the company Vornado Fans. I have 4 Vornado fans that I use in various rooms in the house during the summer. 3 of them are the 280SS model & one is an elcheapo mini fan model for a much smaller room like a bathroom. Awesome fans esp.... 
Cable, they drive me nuts.
I'm not sure I like the way that this thread is proceeding - Pbnaudio is using this thread/forum to peddle his gear. The only advice he had to give to the OP was that the OP consider only Pbnaudio's phono stage & the implication was that there... 
IF A POLARIZED CAP IS INSTALLED BACKWARDS WHAT HAPPENDFS?WILL I HEAR ANYTHING?GARYThat's right it -W-I-L-L- explode, to be sure!In my class last quarter one of the students did just that - put a 1uF power supply decoupling cap backwards in polarit...