
Responses from bojack

Recommend Power Cable for Aragon 4004MK2 amp
You will gain no sonic improvement w/an aftermarket IEC. Aragon knows a thing or two about building amplifiers (I like/have owned their amps, too), and if their amps sounded any better w/aftermarket IECs, you can bet your bottom dollar that they w... 
I am new to this so please be delicate with me...
YES, standard 12ga copper stranded Monster will be perfectly adequate for your application. Buy it, hook it up, and spend the rest of your time and hard-earned money on music! 
Need to turn volumn up to break in speaker cable?
Shadorne, I like the way you think about such burn-in questions, and please God tell me you're joking. Keep up the good work. 
What will it take to have live music for everyone?
I might be off base on this, but I think a lot of getting people into hi-end audio begins with exposing them to live unamplified music at a young age. Doing so I feel essentially hardwires people's auditory memory, gives them a true reference for ... 
What exactly does "Hospital Grade" mean?
It means that someone has been clever enough to charge audiopiles who don't know anything about electricity a ton of money for -- wire. 
Tube Rolling Quicksilver v4, Preamp recommedation
I own a pair of QS MiniMites (a bit different from the V4s I realize) and can say that I've found a very nice combination of driver/powers tubes in NOS RCA 12AX7As and the SED "Winged C" EL34. With the RCAs, I've done prior extensive listening to ... 
confusion about the aragon 28k pre amp
I recently bought an NAD C162 (retail 599.00.) This is a separate preamp w/tone controls, and it is very flexible and good sounding. It also has a remote. 
Setting up a subwoofer
I totally agree w/Jameswei. I've had only limited success w/the Radio Shack and always revert to doing what my ears (nature's SPL meter and still the best) tell me is right. Bass perfection is impossible, but very good bass is not. 
Recommendations on movie scenes for subwoofers
You might try the scene in Day After Tomorrow when the ship floats thru the city. This will give a sub a good test for integration. 
Subwoofer connection to a tube preamp
Y ou say that your pre has no sub out, but does it have a line out other than the main line out? If yes, I'd use that. If no, simply split each channel of the main line out w/a Y splitter. That way you'll have a stereo input at your sub. I've done... 
Who's Your Favorite Bass Players; Why?
Benny Rietveld -- currently w/Carlos Santana -- is capable of extremely effective bass playing. Plus, he just looks like a bada** playing. Some of you Miles fans might know of some of Rietveld's work w/him many years ago. 
where does Quicksilvers sonic signature fall in ?
I don't have that much Cary or BAT experience, but my QS Minis are very balanced sounding: Bass sounds neither dry nor bloated (but detailed), mids are a sheer pleasure and lean toward the warm side, and the highs are smooth and extended. I replac... 
terrible bass response / unevenness problem.
James makes good products, but I would also investigate REL. They are available at a good many hi-end shops as well as some Tweeter stores. I've heard the James and the RELs and prefer the latter. 
terrible bass response / unevenness problem.
Chances are, reducing the driver area from 12 to 10 will not cure this problem. I would begin by removing the sub from a corner, as this can make a big difference, and then reviewing the sub's manual to see what crossover points are available and ... 
Jumpers for Spendors
My intellect tells me that those thin mystery-metal jumpers should sound bad, but my ears tell me that they're indistinguishable from cables. And, I've done all the swaps, tests, etc.