
Responses from bob_bundus

any tricks for using bigass pc's?
I fabricated some support blocks from lefover 2X4's, experimenting a bit to get just the right height. If necessary, file or saw a small rounded indentation notch at the top of the woodblock which fits directly with the cable being supported. Slip... 
Power cords
I don't think it's in the 'hearing' per se but rather in 'listening skills' which are acquired via years of experience. I say that because I know my hearing has degraded with age (there's those scientific measurements again) yet I now know how to ... 
What's wrong with tailoring the sound?
tone controls - did someone say tone controls? I bought a $10000 preamp largely because it has them wonderful tone controls! They even gave me a phase switch - & I use that too sometimes! 
Power cords
Don't listen to what ANY of us say. Try it for yourself; then you'll be buying more AC cords. 
Magnum or Fanfare Tuner. Which Sounds the Best?
These may well be so similar sounding that cosmetics would be the sole deciding factor. Marv Southcott of Fanfare was in on the earlier Dynalab designs before jumping ship & founding Fanfare. I bought my FT101 from him right off the floor at a... 
Interconnects: Silver, Copper or Silver Plated?
Paul it's whatever sounds best to you - don't worry about the physics. 
Speaker cutting out at Med/High levels help
try swapping some cables around etc. process of elimination. Then you'll know what's breaking up; it might not even be the speaker? 
Does anyone know where to get a Chiro repaired?
might try 
What is the difference between MIT &Transparent?
Kelly is right - Transparent came about from some disgruntled MIT folk, but they also raised prices considerably. I've had great results with MIT but if you like networked cable then either should do well for you, so as John advises just find the ... 
Any funny audiofile stories???
One day we couldn't find one of the cats anywhere around the house; no one had been outside but we hunted all around anyway to no avail. Hours later, I have no idea why my wife thought to check the speakers, but sure enough there he was tucked rig... 
Anybody Heard Belles350a replacing a rogue 88
I was all excited about the 350A after reading a rave review about it, but when it arrived at home I was very very disappointed. Darkest piece that I've ever heard. Might work better with all silver cabling (including silver AC cord - which is the... 
Need remote control advice
I've heard about some mind of infrared repeater device that the Theater hobbiests like to use for whole-house remote capability, but sure dunno what it's called or where to get one. That ought to do the trick wherever you can find one? 
Edited dvd's
Kelton I wholeheartedly agree that the movie industry has become totally carried away with profanity & it bugs me as well. I'm hardly a saint either yet the language still bothers me, I mean they can't say anything without an F-word interjecti... 
Problem with FedEx Ground Shipping?
Ekl sorry to hear about this problem. I've been using FedX Ground almost exclusively due to all the bad reports about UPS; no problems here over many shipmments. However a repair center that I recently spoke with via phone was dead set against any... 
Here's what I've found out so far. EAD was acquired by Alpha Digital Technologies,somehow associated with Tara Labs. Their Ashland Oregon # is 541-488-5209. I also heard some hearsay from a dealer that Ben Gosvig & Alstair Roxberg are still ar...