
Responses from bob_bundus

Is there any such thing as a high end receiver?
There's a mint demo Magnum Dynalab MD208 up for auction right now at about $1500. Phil's suggestion regarding classic Luxman is also certainly worthwhile. 
Help My
kr's question about possible DC on the preamp output is something to definitely check into; DC will put most amps immediately into protect mode. You'll probably need a scope for this test but a voltmeter might catch it as well. But before you go t... 
Ultimate outlet vs. MIT
haven't heard either of these, but their approaches differ considerably in that the UO is a series filter vs. the MIT which takes the parallel approach. These may differ fairly radically. 
Stax or Accuphase Older amps, any experinces?
view this post from the archives regarding Accuphase. the search engine; I just found 141 Accuphase threads! 
what do you think off the older Revox equip. thank
their classic products are pretty darned solid & continue working even years later ... Nice that you can still get service & suppport on ReVox, unlike so many others 
Is it my imagination?
yes & isn't it just plain illegal to "sell" something that you don't even have? Perhaps not, but if you take payment on an item 'for sale' that's not even in your posession - definitely not kosher. 
Safe audiogon transactions; lowering the bar.
Bill, what you said... "I'll never understand those who have little or no transaction history and are untrusting of others who have substantial immaculate transaction history, and believe that cod is the answer. It kinda makes me suspicious of the... 
Survey-What is your most used source?
I used to mostly listen to my old Dynalab tuner. Recently I upgraded to their best offerng & I still mostly listen to my tuner! 
What Impedence Do I Need?
First you need to know the input impedance of your amp. Check the manual then contact membername = joeabrams for excellent advice & great pricing on your MIT's. 
Dumb Question 36
leave the amp on the surge protector unless it sounds better direct to line. It will "pop" no matter what you plug it into if the correct 'last on, first off' sequance is not followed. But I would always leave it on; sounds better that way. 
MIT cables for Spectral amps ?
MIT cable is specified because it ensures that the amp will see a stable load at all operating points. The reactive charactaristics of the load can cause these wideband amps to become unstable (oscillating at above-hearing-range frequencies so you... 
Anyone heard of this ? Possible "scam" ?
Sean haven't you ever brought a cold scope inside from a service vehicle & then tried immediately to use it? That cold glass tube has condensate all over it; when the high voltage is applied it will find an alternate path through the moisture ... 
Extended Warrenty???
these are like the lottery: save yourself some time by throwing your money out of the car window as you drive by the gas station... 
Source Selector Fix-It Tips
The selector switch can be cleaned with a dry solvent spray product: Electrowash from Newark Electronics is my favorite but there are many others. Check on Some contact cleaners contain an oil lubricant but try to avoid them if ... 
One Box CD Player or EAD with new Chord 64
Mzn I'm thinking that almost half of my HDCD's are not ID'd as such. Obviously the 'record' companies have no perception of the value that "those such as us" place upon that little HDCD logo; for me it can make or break a sale if I'm deciding betw...