
Responses from bob_bundus

phono stage volume
Grado cartridges are not moving coil nor moving magnet; they're a hybrid design known as moving iron, basically a variable reluctance generator design. Some of their models are available with different-level output options, low, medium, high. Don'... 
Acoustic treatment for a garage ceiling
Have the ceiling sprayed with cellulose insulation fiber. This will deaden slap-echo & will also help insulate against heat gain/loss & attenuate outside noises from getting in. You'll often see gray cellulose fiber sprayed on warehouse ce... 
phono stage volume
a phono step up transformer might do the trick. These are typically used when driving a MM phono stage with a lower-output MC cartridge. Or a phono pre preamp will also accomplish the desired level shift, & possibly allow you to experiment wit... 
Do you use spikes for tile/marbel floor?
Elb I never heard any objections to that approach; it makes sense to me. I believe that should work just fine; you're basically piercing the carpeting with the spikes & all the weight atop of them is bearing directly onto concrete.I wonder who... 
McCormack preamp upgrade, Is it worth it?
Hi Abe I'l try to recall the differences but this may not be completely accurate:All of the I/O jacks are upgraded from (stock whatever) to Kimber, except that both pairs of output jacks & the Aux. input jacks are now Cardas. Some of the inter... 
harmonic technology power cord
I tried the Pro AC11 upon recommendation & was not thrilled. It was an OK cable & certainly better than stock cords but I did return it without hesitataion. 
I know Audiogon is the best for buying and selling
For Sean & any other interested parties, below is contact info. taken from a recent email that I received from Mr. Norbert Schmied. He apparently has at least two enterprises going on now.Regading website preferences: I spend most of my time h... 
Why doesn't Audiogon have some guidelines?
One problem with deleting ads vs. posting a SOLD status is that it messes up the Audiogon pricing history stat's. They use the "sold status" with the "price info." to update their DBase with every sale that happens here. If we want current & v... 
Do you use spikes for tile/marbel floor?
I have hard tile over concrete flooring, with the BBC MK-2 gold plated brass cones (available from May Audio Marketing) which come in nice boxed sets including the little saucer protectors for the floor. These have a nice low profile & even ha... 
HDCD and XRCD. Which's one sound better?
World if you have HDCD capabiliy then I'd get their 20 bit version. Regarding statements that "neither will sound better than the other" & "HDCD claims of technical superiority are open to question"...*unqualified statements* such as those are... 
What's inside these aluminum/metal cases?
Kelly that Boulder is a real piece of beauty, sonically & mechanically. Doesn't Kinergetics build like this as well? Sean the reminder that those ribbon cables in the graphic are actually routing audio paths (not logic drivers) I can only try ... 
What's an Electron Kinetics Eagle 7A worth?
Retail Used: $1254 MSRP: 3950 Wholesale Mint: 811 Average: 524Per 2002 Orion Blubook Ver. 3.1 
What's inside these aluminum/metal cases?
Kind of makes you sick sometimes doesn't it? Look under the hood of some pricey componentry & you find a maze of tangled cables dangling unsupported all over the place. I don't get it either; of course it makes you wonder?Now get ahold of an A... 
Cheap tweaks...What would YOU reccomend?
Hi Lloyd I'll re-phrse my question. You have the line conditioner with a stock cord & now a Hiwire wrap on it. Now what sort of cords are you using to connect the components to the line conditioner's outlets, stock AC cords or upgrade models?I... 
Cheap tweaks...What would YOU reccomend?
Bluenose are you using stock AC cords connecting to the components, or is this tweak still effective when using upgrade AC cords? Looking at their site they show two models, a .37 & a .56 (are these the inner diameters of the spiral?).I think ...