
Responses from bill_k

PSB Synchrony vs. Sonus Faber Cremona M
According to the PSB website specifications the Synchrony One uses a 1” (25mm) Titanium Dome tweeter with a Ferrofluid Neodymium Magnet. I have heard both speakers and while they are both excellent performers they have very different perspectives.... 
Merrill VERITAS monoblock amplifiers
So Ptheo, would you be so kind as to share your findings? TIA! 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Mattnshilp, I appreciate the effort that you are putting into these comparisons and for your time in sharing your findings with us. Regarding the final paragraph of your last post about the Lampy having an inferior USB port that requires an extern... 
VAC Signature Mk IIa Preamplifier with phono?
Sorry for my misunderstanding, Skinzy. It was due to your previous post stating that the MM load goes to 480 ohms, while you would actually use the 'MC' gain setting with your low output MI Grado cartridge. 
VAC Signature Mk IIa Preamplifier with phono?
Skinzy - FYI, according to the product brochure on VAC's website the MC loading ranges from 100 to 470 ohms, and the MM ranges from 10k to 47k ohms. 
T.H.E. Show in Los Angeles
Hifimaniac, thank you for sharing your experience and I find your conclusion very interesting. I do have one question though. Did you reach your conclusion only using the EMM Labs DAC, or have you found similar performance with other DSD capable D... 
Counterpoint, Modwright, Aesthetix sound?
No, the 5.1 that I bought smoked from the main preamp itself and not from the external power supply. I also had a friend whose SA-11 literally burst into flames! 
Counterpoint, Modwright, Aesthetix sound?
I purchased a brand new factory fresh Counterpoint 5.1 back in the day, and it proceeded to literally smoke before my eyes upon its initial power up. That was enough excitement for me! 
Magico V3 & S3
I have been told that the S series has a warmer and more forgiving tonal balance, but that some find the V series to be ultimately more revealing. 
Kiseki = what to do?
Sorry for the duplication, but it looks like Mofimadness beat me to the punch by a few seconds! 
Kiseki = what to do?
If you're in the US there are basically two choices, either SoundSmith or Phono Cartridge Repair. Both are reported to provide excellent quality repairs, but SoundSmith generally has a much longer waiting list to get the service completed. 
PS Audio Direct Stream
Just to clarify my comment - I never stated that the USB connection was better than the others, only that the quality of the DS output varies when using the USB input depending upon the USB cable being used. 
Review: Thor Monoblocks by Merrill Audio
With all due respect, I believe that your membership type should reflect that fact and not be "Private user". Your username should probably also reflect your company's name. 
PS Audio Direct Stream
Initially PS Audio's claim was that all DS inputs sounded the same. They later reported a significant sonic difference with the USB input depending upon the specific USB cable being used. There are not many DS units in the field yet to be able to ... 
Sticky SME series V arm lift...
I'm not sure if this will work with the SME lift mechanism, but it usually works with Rega arms so I'd suggest giving it a try. When lowering the cueing lever instead of lowering it all the way and then waiting for the platform and arm to lower, l...