
Responses from bill_k

Audia flight protection mode
I own the Audia Flight Phono and have never experienced anything like the situation you describe. I would guess that there is either a short of some type on the output or a problem with the protection circuitry. 
Stylus force digital scales
After buying and trying many digital scales used for the specific application of measuring tracking force, I agree with Don. This version is clearly superior when compared to similar but smaller scales that use button style batteries. It has the b... 
Nordost New LE series speaker cables. Improved??
I find the new Leif BH to be a definite and significant improvement over the original version, but I have no experience with the Audio Art cables to be able to make a meaningful comparison. 
Nordost New LE series speaker cables. Improved??
The original (pre-LEIF series) Blue Heaven and Red Dawn were indeed very different sounding, with BH being softer sounding and more laid back in perspective while the RD was more forward and revealing. This often led to one being generally preferr... 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
Lloydelee21, you can read about Dragon_vibe's experience with the Claytons on this thread: He ended up returning them... 
Broken tube on Art Audio Carissa 825 amp
Holly,Regarding the broken 12BH7 tube, first I would try to remove any more of the broken tube bits left in the amp. Have you tried holding the amp upside down and seeing if you can get any more broken pieces to fall out? I know that the amp is he... 
Jeff Rowland Capri S2 Owners Manual
Guido, you deserve the "most helpful citizen" award! 
Merrill VERITAS monoblock amplifiers
Please ignore my previous question, I found that they retail for $499 per pair up to 3 meters. 
Merrill VERITAS monoblock amplifiers
Ptheo, very interesting... What's the price of Merrill's cables? 
upgrade advice from Sunfire CRM2 monitors
The System Audio SA2K monitors are a superb speaker that is not as well known as many of its competitors. I have never had the chance to compare them to the CRM2s, but having heard both at different times I would personally choose the SA2Ks over t... 
Ortofon Cadenza Bronze, Blue, Black
I moved into the Cadenza Bronze from an Audioquest 7000 which was an OEM model from Scan Tech, and known as being a bit lean but very detailed. Comparatively the Bronze has better dynamics along with a touch of warmth in the midrange and a sweeter... 
Ortofon Cadenza Bronze, Blue, Black
I find the Cadenza cartridges to be superb performers that are competitive well beyond their price points. I run the Bronze mounted in an Origin Live Enterprise arm on a Nottingham Dais table, and before I purchased it I discussed the differences ... 
Jeff Rowland Aeris or Bricasti M1?
The Rowland DAC reportedly offers excellent sound, however in its current release it has a couple of limitations that potential buyers should be aware of. First is that the USB input has a limit of 96KHz, so if you're planning on using it with a P... 
Anti-Static Brush
It's another OEM version of a Kinetronics brush commonly available in photographic stores like B&H. A slightly larger model with an extended handle with an optional ground wire is also available and sold as the Big Record Brush by Acoustic Sou... 
Emo dumps Carver, the Carver site is down.
Vicdamone - I don't see how the dealer could be found to be legally responsible since product warranties are provided by the product manufacturer, not the seller.