
Responses from bill_k

Audio Additives vs Acoustic Sounds Digital Scale
Actusreus - thanks for the tip regarding the weighing platform. After some research I found that this Proscale LC50 is the one used by Clearaudio in their $250 stylus gauge fitted with a plastic weighing platform. You can use the plastic cover tha... 
Audio Additives vs Acoustic Sounds Digital Scale
Doug, would you mind elaborating a bit on how to fabricate a DIY weighing step made of non-magnetic material. Any hints on suitable material and method for bending it would be helpful and very much appreciated. TIA! 
Sony HAP-Z1ES or NAD M51?
To be fair, you can't really compare these two products "purely as a DAC". The Sony has no digital inputs, so you are always using it as a complete product providing file storage, playback, and DAC functionality and cannot use these functions inde... 
Krell Duo 300 compared to Evo 302e or 402e?
Peak amplifier output current does not have to be less than the current of the circuit powering the amp. This is because power is equal to voltage times current, and since the line voltage (i.e. 120V or 240V) is in most cases higher than the ampli... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Audiolabyrinth - Matt stated in a previous post that he hoped to have some further updates today (Wednesday) depending upon his availability and work load. In the mean time he hoped to be spending some less stressful time just listening to and enj... 
Your most disappointing purchase or audition?
Tubes108 - I sincerely apologize for my previous post supporting Ralph based upon his reputation and credibility. I shouldn't have gotten involved and discounted your experience with the amps in question. I'd like to know how the Tandberg repair s... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
And now, back to our regularly scheduled program (please!) 
Your most disappointing purchase or audition?
Ralph, your well established credibility on this forum and in the industry as a whole leads me to agree with your assessment of this alleged situation. It sounded like a very unlikely scenario from the beginning. 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Just to clarify my previous post on the cost of the Vitus SCD-025, the 16,500 quoted was specified in GBP (British Pounds, not Euros.) 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Matt - I couldn't find confirmed US pricing but the SCD-025 sells for £16,500 in the UK which converts to ~$27,700 US. 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Bigkidz, I respectfully suggest that you advertise your product by purchasing a listing. 
Help on Optimizing Dedicated PC as Music Server
I recommend two references to help optimize your Windows 7 PC for use as a dedicated music server: Sweetwater's Optimization Guide and Genesis - Absolute Fidelity Music Server 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Neal, Matt already tried the DS DAC and eliminated it from the competition. Come on man, keep up with the thread! ;~) Seriously though performance is very dependent upon system matching and personal preferences, and I know you're not alone in liki... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Matt, thanks for your very detailed first impressions! Not many posters would take the time to be as thorough as you are. I hope that you can still enjoy the process, since shootouts like this can often be tedious and somewhat frustrating. 
Magico S5 vs Tannoy Westminster Royal SE
I don't see how Mbovaird did anything wrong here. It appears to me that the parties objecting to his input are the ones with a real agenda of their own. He never even brought up the other website which you claim he is trying to gain publicity for....