
Responses from bill_k

PSB T'3 Tower Speakers
I can't really address your concern about the treble with poor recordings, but the Imagine T3 is a significant upgrade from the Synchrony Ones in all respects. The T3s have a quality that just 'sounds right'; the speakers themselves seem to disapp... 
Silverline Minuet Supreme Plus...
For $2,000 I'd suggest the Hegel H80 integrated amp which includes a built in DAC. 
Anyone heard PSB Imagine T3?
The PSB Imagine T3 speakers retail for $7,498 per pair, in either high gloss cherry or black finishes. Definitely worth a listen if you have the opportunity. It is their new top of the line. 
Anyone heard PSB Imagine T3?
A local dealer recently got their demo pair so I was able to hear them. It's just being released after its premier at the recent RMAF.While I've liked some of PSB's previous designs including the Synchrony Ones, I was never so moved as I am by thi... 
Is EAD still relevant
I have heard from more than one source that the EAD DSP9000 series are the real deal, and that they are up there with the best ever for the playback of standard redbook CDs (no hi-res support.) 
Sony HAPZ1 For prospective buyers and owners
Not familiar with the Olive, but if the files are accessible on your PC or Mac just as they would be if they were stored on a standard hard drive and are in a standard music file format (i.e. FLAC, WAV, ALAC, etc.) then the Sony transfer software ... 
PSB Stratus Gold Tweeter Replacement
I would suggest contacting PSB directly, but you apparently failed to include a link or any info on what replacement tweeter you are asking about. 
Tell me about the Ortolan Cadenza Black
I chose the Ortofon Cadenza Bronze on my Nottingham Dais with the Origin Live Enterprise-C tonearm. It tracks like a dream, is extremely quiet in the groove, and has a touch more warmth than the Black. Depending upon the balance of the rest of you... 
PS Audio Direct Stream
A quick Google search finds: Aria 
What is better 1 bigger sub or 2 small ones
I'm afraid to say that there are some tradeoffs that should be considered. Many will claim that multiple subs are always better than a single one, since it will provide more even bass throughout the room. While the bass uniformity will be better w... 
Esoteric K-01/K-03 Owners
Bamiles - for over a year now Integra (Onkyo's higher end division) has taken over Esoteric's distribution in the US, Canada, and Latin America. Here's an article detailing the announcement for your reference. 
Kudos Cerious Technologies Customer Service
Bob's cables and service are both exceptional. When he is offering his cables at special pricing like he has done on Audiogon their value is off the charts! I use both his Nano Reference power cables and XLR interconnects and find them to outperfo... 
Avalon Monitor Speaker
Since they have not responded to your email, I would suggest trying to phone them at the number provided on their website. If that doesn't work I would attempt to get some help with support through one of their current dealers which are also liste... 
Harry Weisfeld Was Right All Along
Just to clarify Harry's statement about antiskating with his unipivot tonearm designs, he did not say that his arm sounds better with none. Rather that the loop of wire in his arm's design provides a level of inherent A/S force, and that in most s... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Just an FYI, there have also been several improvements made to the Bricasti M1 DAC recently, including a new DSP board as well as upgraded OCC copper wiring and fuse bypasses.