
Responses from bill_k

Soundlab speakers with sub woofers?
Keith - If you have a limited amount of room available to position the speakers, dipolar designs like the Soundlabs may not be the best speaker for your application. Their positioning doesn't just affect the bass, but the overall performance level... 
The best deal on audiogon right now
Jaxwired - I know that you're sincere in your praise of these speakers, but if you think that the mids don't get any better you should hear the fact.12s with its dedicated dome midrange driver! 
PS Audio Bridge - simple question
From the details on the PS Audio site, it states that you can either connect the Bridge to your network or to a NAS drive via an ethernet connection. It does not state that it supports direct connection of non-networked USB drives. 
Stylus cleaner
While I have read of others also using Stylast as an effective cleaner, it is clearly not marketed as such. It is sold as a lubricant that is to be applied immediately before playing which reduces friction, improving tracking ability and prolongin... 
Stylus cleaner
That's why I said that liquid cleaners have the 'potential' to cause damage in those ways. Like anything in high end audio whether they actually do is subject to debate. Some cartridge manufacturers believe that they can create issues and therefor... 
need to find out maker of these speakers? any help
This must be a joke, should we get out a crystal ball??? 
Stylus cleaner
Liquid cleaners have the potential to loosen some adhesives that are used to mount the stylus to the cantilever, and can also travel up the cantilever and possibly affect some internal components like damping material. The Onzow Zerodust avoids th... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Melbguy1 - I'd be curious to know whether you've had the chance to audition the recently introduced Berkeley Reference DAC, and how it compares to the Vitus. It's priced at $16K but is supposed to be a new standard which excels at PCM decoding. Th... 
Stylus cleaner
Ortofon specifically advises against using any liquid stylus cleaners with their cartridges, although I'm not sure how it may affect any warranty claims. They recommend the Onzow Zerodust as the safest and most effective stylus cleaner. 
Apollo-r or Saturn-r
After hearing both I agree with Akg_ca's post above. The Saturn-R is a clear step up in sound quality from the Apollo-R even if its DAC functionality is not of interest. 
Which tonearm with a Soundsmith The Voice?
Jperry, now there's the most reasonable suggestion yet! 
NY Audio Show September 26th to September 28th
Several manufacturers are not being represented at this show due to its inconsiderate scheduling. The show begins during the observance of the Jewish high holiday Rosh Hashanah. 
Which tonearm with a Soundsmith The Voice?
Additional links and images of the SAEC arm can be seen by clicking here. 
Which tonearm with a Soundsmith The Voice?
The SAEC 407/23 was made in 1980 and you can find details on it here for reference near the middle of the page. Used samples can usually be found on ebay. 
Audio Additives vs Acoustic Sounds Digital Scale
Doug, thanks for the helpful tips for the best accuracy!