
Responses from bill_k

Clayton Audio Class A amps. Need amp advice
Rdoc - good point that should definitely be considered! Your Pass amp put out about 30 watts in Class A, only a tenth of what the Clayton claims to. As such if they're biased similarly in Class A according to their power ratings, the Claytons woul... 
Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC
I haven't heard the Berkeley Reference DAC yet and I'm sure that it is superb. However it should be noted that it is in another yet significantly higher price category at $16,000, and nearly $18,000 with USB. 
Anyone heard PSB Imagine T3?
Audiotroy - I agree with your assessment completely, as the Imagine T3 competes with other speakers well beyond its retail price in sonic performance as well as its beautiful finish quality in cherry gloss. A stunning performer! 
Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC
I recall that you had some concerns about making the change without being able to audition the M1 first in your system, and I'm now pleased to hear that your initial impressions are so favorable. It will only get better with break-in! You can cont... 
Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC
For PCM files Minimum Phase filter 0 is usually best, but some users also like MP filter 2. For DSD files it's a bit more complicated. DSD filter 0 is actually unfiltered, so ultrasonic noise from the DSD process is passed through unattenuated. DS... 
broken psb t6 dilemma
Zd542 - API which is owned by Klipsch also manufactures Mirage, Energy and Athena speakers, but has no affiliation with PSB. PSB is owned by the Lenbrook Group. 
Sanders power amps are built by CODA, but are custom designs and built to their specifications. So while they appear similar in looks to CODA products, they do not have the same internal circuitry. 
Is your tube amp really a tube amp?
FYI - A tube rectifier is the tube equivalent of a diode, rectifying the AC into DC. 
Is your tube amp really a tube amp?
Using tube rectifiers and regulators in the power supply instead of solid state equivalents is also considered by many tube purists as being required for a pure tube design. 
Hegel H300
Is it possible that 55 lbs. is the shipping weight with the box and all packing? 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Found this additional info: Signet's 'statement' cartridge, the TK100LC, was made in the mid-1980's and originally cost $1200.00. It does look like it is based on the TK10ML but has a gold and red body and a ruby cantilever. 
Best Minimalist DAC?
Steve - Many of your posts provide information that is very helpful to other members by generously sharing your expertise. With all due respect however, this post is nothing but an obviously biased and free advertisement for your product. Why don'... 
Wells Audio Akasha Amplifier- Any owners here?
Not that model, but I did have an audition of their Innamorata amp at a recent AXPONA show. It was used in a system playing master tapes driving TAD speakers, and I have to admit that the system was one of the best I've ever heard. There was an am... 
esoteric products
+2 Zd542. With all due respect I suspect that Buconero117 has been drinking a bit too much of that Oppo Kool-Aid! Anyone that actually compared the build quality and sonics of Oppo vs. Esoteric could not reach that conclusion. 
Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC
Ricred1 - I can tell you that Bricasti has demoed their M1 DAC directly driving their new mono power amps at recent shows, and the sound has been reported by several reviewers as one of the best of the shows. So it has the capability to perform ex...