

Responses from bigtwin

Music for Working Creatively – I need your help!
Miles Davis - In a Silent Way Grant Green - Idle Moments Joe Henderson - Live at the Village Vanguard 1 & 2  
What % Of Your System Are Your Cables?
Surely the 10% "rule" was developed by the cable industry.  Up there with De Beers convincing the world you should spend one month's income on an engagement ring, if you truly love her.  And lately, they've upped that to 3 months salary.  The cabl... 
Front Row Seat Power Cord?
There is only one undeniable truth about Power Cords.  That being, there are people who believe their $500 - $5000 power cord has made a difference, and those who don't.  Pretty simple and neither side is going to convince the other. What is truly... 
Front Row Seat Power Cord?
@mihorn  It must be a burden, being the only person that knows how to make a good cable.    
Looking to move to a Tube Integrated setup
@jond You know the old saying around assuming..... Speaking only about my own experience, I too got the bug to move to tube equipment. I wanted to enjoy the better sound. I have owned the TRX-M845 mono blocks from Triode Audio of Japan, and more ... 
Looking to move to a Tube Integrated setup
I would ask why are you thinking of changing to tubes?    
Front Row Seat Power Cord?
Just read the review of 27 best power cables.  Laughable the $500 Morrow cable reviews pretty much the same as the $5000 cables.  I'm sure any marginal sound improvement would be drowned out by the sound of $4500 flying out the window.  🤣  
More potential bad news for some big names...
I suspect the audio industry, like many others, and Harley-Davidson comes to mind, are finding the baby boom generation has passed the peak years of spending.  As a member of that group, I can say I've accumulated most of what I need/want, and wil... 
No God No! Say it Ain’t So!
Can't wait to see the new SF docking station to go with my 15 year old Ipod Classic.  Which is still operating flawlessly.  🤣  
Speaker cables with good timbre
@dickieboy  I can second your opinion on Morrow.  I used them for years but only as interconnects.  Their Christmas sale appears to be the best of the year at 60% off.  Morrow is a bit like the airlines.  Always on sale.  A while back I needed to ... 
Speaker cables with good timbre
@audiogabby  I must say I find cable threads akin to asking what shade of blue is the sky?  Human nature says most will recommend what they are using themselves.  Then there will be dozens of different cables recommended.  They can't all be the be... 
55” or 65” TV Screen Size and Your Speakers: Please Join Survey
As an aside, what brand of current TVs has the best picture?  Maybe more important than size?  I have always preferred the look of a Plasma screen.  Thanks to our movers, we had to replace the last one a couple f months ago.  Bought  an OLED scree... 
Are You Old Enough to Remember Those Jaw-Dropping Manufacturer Demos?
@waytoomuchstuff   i believe you are correct.  Funny that after all these years I'm listening to 7 foot tall panels. 😄  
Are You Old Enough to Remember Those Jaw-Dropping Manufacturer Demos?
One demo has stuck in my mind for the past 40 years.  It was set up in an empty storefront in West Edmonton Mall.  At the time, the largest indoor shopping center in the world.  Anyway, the vendor had two huge floor standing speakers on an elevate... 
55” or 65” TV Screen Size and Your Speakers: Please Join Survey
Everyone who says go big is correct.  IMHO.  Forget your initial reaction to the size of the screen.  Your brain will quickly adjust to what it is seeing.  In no time at all you will be wondering how you ever lived with a smaller TV.  Also, the pr...