
Responses from bigtee

Rotel 855,990 and 991AE
yep, I have heard them all. The 1072 is an extension of the 855 updated to superior sonics but with that same smoothness. The 990 is probably better in hifi standards. The 991 didn't sound as liquid BUT that could have been system dependent.You re... 
What is The Best DVD player for VIDEO?
It's really not hard to sort the Sony's. The 7000 and 7700 are well built and offer an excellent picture. They are very similiar with the 7700 being the newer of the 2. The excellent 9000 came out after the 7700 series and is built like a tank and... 
Rotel 855,990 and 991AE
Try Rotel's latest player, the RCD 1072. It has the same sound as the RCD 855 but is more extended on the top and bottom with better transparency. It is already being touted as a giant killer and the best Rotel since the 855 for the money. I own b... 
What is The Best DVD player for VIDEO?
In all honesty, save yourself some money and get one of the upper es series Sony's. They are well built, offer a 5 year warranty and video quality is about as good as it gets. Look through the reviews and you will always see them right up there. T... 
benefit of Higher power over Lower power Amp ?
I was wondering the samething. It was not mean spirited at all. Just a lot of different viewpoints. Towards the end, it was mostly about the sonic merits of the Parasound JC1's. Different points of views and thoughts but nothing mean spirited. All... 
2wq filters: what do you recommend?
Use the electronic version. The Wonderwire is fine. I personally use the WBT solder. The wire goes from the outer part of the two male an female rca connectors.The numbers on the strink indicates the ratio it will strink to when heated. The metabl... 
AMP-Preamp Combo for Vandersteen 2CE's
A McCormack power amp and a Audible Illusions preamp are a excellent match. Depending on how much you want to spend, a smaller ARC power amp is also excellent. The Belles 150a Hotrod sounds really good. As for the AI preamp, a used L-1 is in the $... 
meadowlark nighthawk/ vandersteen 3a sig
One issue hear is the price difference in these speakers. You can buy the 3A Sigs with a pair of 2wq subs cheaper than the Meadowlark's. I guess it is good that a speaker that retails for $3495 can be compared to one at $7000+. I realize looks are... 
2wq filters: what do you recommend?
I forgot to mention that I agree the M5 and x-2's for the 2wq's are 80 @ -3db but I think the new 5A has been moved up to 100hz @ -3db. 
2wq filters: what do you recommend?
Keith, what happens if you reverse the phase? Really sounds like a phase issue of some cause. Sounds like you've got some real room problems. May have to move things around some if possible.Maxgain, I was wondering the same about you. Drop me an e... 
$4000 to spend on a SS power amp - help me choose
Brian, I'm glad you have had success with the amps you sell. However, I feel after over 35 years of stereo, I'm entitled to my opinion about the Jc-1's and that is exactly what I have given. I just don't think that, with breakin or not, they will ... 
Why all these JC-1's for sale?
I had a pair of the JC-1's for about 2 months and left them on from day one. I used a pair of 20 amp dedicated lines in a dedicated sound room with Vandersteen 3a Signatures using an Audible Illusions L-2 and a Sony xa777es. I played them long eno... 
2wq filters: what do you recommend?
The model 5 filters are the way to go if you want absolute transparency. However, after I've said that, you can build some that are very, very close.Most of the caps discussed above have their virtues. Each is a little different flavor. I wish I c... 
$4000 to spend on a SS power amp - help me choose
The Ayre V5x sounds as much like tubes without tube colorations as you will get. Extremely smooth and holographic. The Belles 350a or 150a reference amps are a logical choice also. I hate to say this but the JC1 is behind these amps sonic league. ... 
Audience Au24 speaker cables with Vandersteen
I still have the L-2 and am in the process of making a comparison between te L-2 and the Calypso. I can say this with certainty, for the money, the L-2 is a no brainer. $2495 vs $4500. The L-2 is currently running neck and neck. The Calypso may ha...