
Responses from bigtee

Has hi fi become too specialized
I agree with Rar1 and Plato. I have been at this for some 37 years and my current system makes most CD's sound adequate/good and some excellent. The SACD's pretty much follow suit, some merely good and some excellent. It's not very often a cd soun... 
Tube replacement for the Calypso?
Try Kevin at Upscale Audio. He is a big tube dealer and carries the Calypso. He can make some informed suggestions deepending on the sound you're looking for. I personally have found the original tubes hard to beat overall. 
Zero feedback amps
The Ayre V5x and all of the Theta amps(Dreadnaught I and II,) Citadels, etc. are zero feedback amps.The advantage of the zero global feedback amps is they are just plain more musical, they image better and they are more holographic. They come clos... 
Has anyone used the aesthetix calypso preamp?
Sounds like it does and has made you happy in the process which is all you can ask for. I am not that familiar with the First Sound (with only a short listen) nor the VAC for that matter. I do have a friend who used the First Sound for a little wh... 
Has anyone used the aesthetix calypso preamp?
Well, Bhouser, my point is, I have not seen anything "Official" from Asthetix on this subject. As I stated, you would think mention of this would be in the owners manual if it was a problem. I plan on calling them tomorow and asking about this at ... 
Has anyone used the aesthetix calypso preamp?
I was checking in the owners manual and there is actually no statement to the minimum impedance that can be used with this preamp. Bhouser brings up a good point with this. I think, however, that the 50k is refering to a balanced impedance into th... 
Has anyone used the aesthetix calypso preamp?
I use the Calypso with a pair of Vandersteen 2Wq's and Vandersteen 3a Signatures. The Aesthetix is driving an Ayre V5x. This is by far and away the best sound I have ever had out of my system. The Calypso is a preamp that can be honestly compared ... 
Anyone with a Mccormack Micro Phono?
Call McCormack at SMac (where he does his mods, not Virginia) He is a really easy guy to talk to and I'm sure he will help you. 
best replacement woofers for early advent speakers
Do a search of the archives. There was something on this a while back. "Just Speakers" in Florida claims to have newer OEM Advent woofers. I bought a pair for mine and although they are not identical (round magnet on back instead of the original s... 
Bryston article on transformers - Part 2
Interesting read. I will say this that in my experience, I have had less hum problems from the EI transformers than the toroids-strange. I assume Bryston uses these.My past Belles toriod was relatively loud at times as was the Parasound JC1's toro... 
Preamps paired with DNA 225 or other McCormacks
I will second the L-1. I used it for a good while. At the used price, it is an absolute steal. Sonically, it is as described by Mattybumpkin. The gain set up is such that you can control volume ideally(something you couldn't do with the M3A.)You c... 
I/C for Parasound/Paradigm system ?
Try the Harmonic Technology Prosilway III's. They offer a trial period also. Make sure you give them 50 hours or so of breakin before you decide. 
Why do only US makers focus on time coherency?
The JM Labs are not time and phase coherent by any stretch of the imagination! Look at the step response of the Utopia, the woofer is connected in reverse polarity to the mids and tweeter. The Wilsons are not time and phase correct either. Look at... 
Loud Hum
Just a quick question about isolated circuits. If you run the ground to a point outside the AC panel, I can understand that. But, since the neutrals of the circuit have to be connected to the same common ground(neutral buss, both ground and neutra... 
Sonic Frontiers vs. Audible Illusions Preamp.
Kr4, The L-2 has not been out that long. I think it started shipping early last year and has since been updated again(late 03) Are you sure it was an L-2 and not a L-1 since you stated it has been "Years ago?"