
Responses from bigkidz

How good is your system
Very interesting comments being posted.  My system sounds like mud as if all my drivers were completely blown.  BUT when playing Hendrix and heavy metal, the system sounds fantastic!  Just kidding.  I had GOD design my system so you can take it fr... 
Blue Jeans Cable Sound Good???
This just goes to show you that everyone has a different system which reacts differently to cables.  For example, I never heard an Audioguest cable sound bright in my system or a few others.  Same with some of the other comments above about differ... 
Can a CD player being close to a receiver or power amplifier affect its performance?
never had what you are experiencing but when the laser goes bad, you generally have the issues you are describing.  Try moving the distance to see what happens, try taking the CDP out of the system and just plugging it in to see if it reads the CD... 
Fate? Karma? Purgatory? Help me put a good spin on this.
You are going about this in the wrong way!  First off, welcome the opportunity to spend time with your friends.  Probably does not happen that much.  Then head right over to the liquor store and purchase some chap wine or what ever floats your boa... 
Supratek or Don Sachs - which way to go?
My partner is the genius but I have learn more than I want to admit!I am having a ton of fun though! 
Supratek or Don Sachs - which way to go?
I am in the camp with point-to-point wiring.  Since repairing audio components for many years the majority of repairs were caused by heat and circuit boards.  Think Melos and Counterpoint for starters.  Neatness is nice but I have seen many design... 
After all, you're listening to the power supply.
You can also try the JJ Tesla GZ-34 tube.  Maybe not the Mullard but for the price worth a try.  I use it in all my designs. 
How good is your system
Having resolution is nice but I want to hear the micro and macro dynamics from the whisper and voices that makes things sound so real to me.Happy Listening. 
Suggest Transports that can be Demo'd at home
I posted my opinion in the last CD Transport post.  I build my own direct heated triode R2R DAC and have used many transports including many of the above.  So here is my opinion.  I was using an older Audiomeca as a transport with a separate power... 
False Advertising
I would place contact both Agon and PayPal and file.  Do not waste any time waiting for a response.  It is better to file something and then have to take it back then to wait. 
Amp comparison
@bifwynne In what ways is it significantly better?Thanks 
CD Transports
"Sorry but the Jays cdt mkll cannot be beat at it's price range"Well that may be your opinion but what have you personally compared that transport to?  In my experience my old CEC Tl5100Z had a much more musical presentation, bigger and deeper sou... 
Pass Labs cooling noise
Just make a call to Pass to see if this is the norm.  If Peter is still at Pass, ask him. 
Doncha get bummed?
Don't have an issue with any of this.  My system has evolved to sound decent with poor recordings and fantastic with good recordings.  But I have been where you are.  I always say I wish all recordings were great, it would solve so much.Happy List... 
Blind Testing is Dead - Long live My Wallet testing.
@erik_squires  I would be happy to have you test your findings our in my system using your walletHappy Listening!