

Responses from bigjoe

McIntosh MC300 speaker wire hookup ????
ive owned 4 mc300's & im having a hard time envisioning how you wraped bare wire around the set screws in the terminals.remove the set screws on the taps with the ohmage you need then you can use banana plugs instead of bare wire,god that had ... 
Another sign SACD is dying
sacd was doomed to fail as soon as they were first released,a non audiophile would never dream of paying xtra for a cd player that was capable of playing sacd's.it wont be long before dual disc goes the way of the wind too,standard cd's are too fa... 
McIntosh C-2200 or C-46 with MC-402???
i demo'ed the c100 in my home & i hated every single thing about it,call me old fashioned but to me tone controls are a must,in my rig the c100 sounded allmost "tinny",if your local mac dealer is any good he shouldnt have a problem arringing f... 
McIntosh C-2200 or C-46 with MC-402???
im running the c2200 with a pair of mc 252's & im completely happy with the system.my c2200 replaced a c38 which was an awesome preamp & at first i found the c2200 to be lacking in not only depth but the tone controls seemed weak too,after... 
How do I go backwards?
just do it! really,just do it its that simple,the way we all covet our rigs & cringe at the thought replacing 10k worth of interconnects with off the shelf stuff from radio shack or replacing a highly modded cdp with an ecnomy cdp from best bu... 
Mcintosh mvp 841 & CD-R?
my mvp 841 wouldnt touch em,i tried a few with no luck. 
the mc 2100 is a lousy little amp,i hated mine & couldnt wait to get rid of it,alot of the older mac gear isnt worth owning.if you intend on owning a peice of mcintosh history i would reccomend looking at a few other older mac amps like the mc... 
Center channel on McIntosh c26 preamp
you asked if it was worth the expense,to me it was,the c26 was & still is one of my all time favorite preamps due to the center channel.to me the center channel adds alot of depth to the music,since owning a c26 ive upgraded many many times bu... 
Looking for tube preamp with remote volume ??
hmmmm,what do you consider to be reasonibly priced ? 
Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?
im very lucky that my wife of 22 years accepts my over indulgence in both of my hobbies & even though i know for a fact that she could care less how it sounds she always acts excited for me & appears to listen as i explain why the new stuf... 
Poor Man's "Super-Speaker" System
ive done almost the same thing with my rig,ive found that i much prefer the sound of multiple sets of speakers & speakers with many drivers all in the same rig.right now im running mcintosh xrt 22's that have 26 drivers per side & a pair o... 
Equipment that has made you 'stop' looking?
out of everything ive ever tried my mcintosh xrt 22 speakers are the end of the line for me in speakers,while most of my rig changes by the month every single time i listen the xrt 22's draw me in & keep me amazed at how good a truly great spe... 
Mcintosh - Love Em' or Hate Em' ......Why?
if its made by mcintosh chances are that ive owned it at some point & my current rig is all mac.ive tried a ton of gear & in all cases i prefered the "mcintosh sound" over other gear ive ran with the exception of some krell class a amps i ... 
What amp for McIntosh LS260 speakers
stay away from adcom amps with mac speakers,the adcoms will not bring out the best in them,dont get me wrong adcom makes some fine amps & i own a pair of adcom monoblocks i really like but they are a very bright sounding amp & they wont co... 
Krell Reliability?
im very suprised by your bad experiences with krell gear, ive only owned two krell products but my experiences with them was fantastic in fact its the best sounding gear ive ever owned & was built like a tank.if i could find gear that had the ...