

Responses from bigjoe

McIntosh MC-7200
call mcintosh & ask for chuck hinton,he should be able to give you that info.mike. 
pre-amp with home theatre pass through
the mcintosh c2200 tube pre has a ht pass thru,i couldnt tell ya how it works as ive never used this feature on mine but i know it has it.mike. 
does anybody still listen
wow,some of the stuff i found in my collection really needed to stay buried,last evening i was listening to the allman bros when i stumbled on somthing i had not heard in years,dr timothy leary's (the incredible lightness of being molecular)wow wh... 
What do you think of my 25 laws of audio
not a whole lot. 
Preamps ... no bass or treble control?
in a hobby where the enthusiasts change everything under the sun from caps & tubes to cabling its obsurd to ever say that not having tone or balance controls keeps the music pure,what happens when you swap a quad of funkins for gold lions? mos... 
Best HOME system you've ever heard
Imin2u,for what they were & how old they are the dq 10's were a killer speaker,i had 2 pair with a pair of dq bass speakers & that set up rivaled alot of big $$$$ rigs ive heard,i kinda miss em.mike. 
Preamps ... no bass or treble control?
to me the whole lack of tone controls is nonsense & causes people to invest huge amounts of cash into other areas like cables & room treatments,i dont get it & i never will,to each his own but for me i'll never own a preamp without ton... 
does anybody still listen
R F,i agree that listening to only audiophile approved stuff just for the sake of it sucks,for me anyways,im not really sure how i ended up pushing most of my collection aside but im very happy that im listening to it all again.lugnut,we listen al... 
Who is your overall favorite guitarist?
ghost rider,nice to see another adrian belew fan,him & fripp were smokin hot,i saw belew play with frank zappa & he was amazing,i also saw steve via when he was with zappa & i thought belew did a much better job,via was too much flash ... 
Best Cd Player under $100,000
i feel cheap & used,now i know ive been a victim. 
Mcintosh - Love Em' or Hate Em' ......Why?
MINT604,bite me you pinhead,ive tried a ton of other gear & im not deaf,anybody who makes a statement like the one you just made must be a moron,before you go around with your chest all puffed out running down another guys rig you better post ... 
whats the biggest mistake you made?
hooper,your a mess,i love it,i too had a hissy fit with one of my rigs,i had an equlizer that i couldnt get right & i ended up throwing it down a flight of steps,damm that felt good. 
Tube CDP to match my DK VS1MK2
i dont own a dk but i can tell ya a killer tube cdp,ive just been astounded by the dynaco cdv-pro hdcd,i bought mine out of curiosity while i was waiting on my new mcintosh cdp to arrive & it never left my rig,its a very smooth & highly de... 
New Member - please help me build a rig
take it slow,reeeeeeeel slow,do not be in a rush to put a rig together,research what gear you want then research the average sale prices of said gear & dont pay anything above market value for anything,what you may think is going to be a peice... 
whats the biggest mistake you made?
entrope,hows it been? ya know ive bought & sold 2 other cad 5500's since buying yours & each time i sell it i start to miss it,one things for sure for the money spent they are amazing preamps,i still have one on ice in the closet.mike.