

Responses from bigjoe

what made you get into high end gear.
when i was a boy i can remember walkin into a neighborhood high end dealer "stereo center" & feeling like i was inside frankenstien's laboratory with all the tubes & glowing meter's on the gear,damm was that exciting as hell,the salesmen k... 
what made you get into high end gear.
marco,great pic man,i swear cristy canyon had the sweetest set of funbags on the planet back in the 80's.mike. 
Why is it so much more civil over here on Agon?
im with jond,leave em over at AA,i dont go to AA much just beacuse i dont care for the format of the whole site.i also agree with rives,guys who post responses like that always remind me of the sissy's in high school who always had to try to make ... 
Which 'Shipping carrier provides the best overall
here's my 2 cents,whats really important is not who is the fastest or the cheapest or even who has the best track record for getting gear to its destination undamaged,whats most important is which shipping company gives you the least hassle & ... 
DK Design Group X-Dream - wow
tmaco,if it wasnt for the 10,0000000 other posts hailing dk design's products as the new world leader some of us just might go audition these speakers.even if the new speakers from dk are astounding & beat everything else on the market after a... 
System Pictures - Should Owner be there too?
im all for pic's of the systems owner,ive been dying to know who has the biggest beard,elizebeth or raquel ?mike. 
Help: my neighbor is killing my music....
i know you said you dont want a face to face confrontation with this guy but at this point it should be obvious that he has no intention of shutting his truck off.here's what ya do,the next time this inconsiderate slob leaves his truck running go ... 
is it an upgrade or just fun?
hi dave,i wish i had been on a GM plant,if i had i never woulda fell,GM has some of the strictes saftey policies around & they enforce them,actually i fell thru a skylight while doing an inspection,go figure,23 years on the same job & i ma... 
When audiophiles visit for a listening session
hey,you guys gotta admit nate's story was better reading than all the other dull this vs that threads weve been subjected to lately.i for one got a good laugh!mike. 
McIntosh C-2200 or C-46 with MC-402???
hi colin,$3,000 for a 6 month old c2200 is a nice deal,im pretty sure your chances are slim at getting a lower price than that.mike. 
Marantz SA8260 Direct to Amp
from what ive heard in my rigs running passive preamps & running amps with gain controls direct to a cd player i didnt care for it at all,i read alot of stuff where guys really liked listening that way so i tried it a few times with very poor ... 
Marantz SA8260 Direct to Amp
im curious as to why you want to run a cdp direct into an amp? every time ive tried doing that the music sounded weak & was lacking authority,even hollow sounding.im not knockin your plans im just puzzled as to what benifit can be had not usin... 
McIntosh MC300 vs McIntosh MC7300 any differences?
the only real differences are resale price & that the mc300 has its gain controls located on the rear of the amp in a very hard to use location.go for the mc7300.mike. 
What is your idea of a Perfect Album?
Robin Trower, bridge of sighs. 
Why does my new tube amp and preamp sound so bad?
schipo,how can it be the room when before replacing the adcom with the cary he had great sound,the room hasnt changed only the gear has.if your lascalas sounded good to you with your adcom ss gear & nothing else has changed in your rig aside f...