

Responses from bigjoe

Solid state or tube what to do??
if your as you say itching to try tubes then sell the arcam outright & hunt down a more powerfull tube amp,a 30 watt tube amp dont leave you many options at all & your bass response will suffer not to mention the lack of any headroom,unles... 
Best HOME system you've ever heard
my rig. 
What's the best s.s. integrated for Khorns?
hi marco,i knew that you had lascalas & in your posts you said that & you also pointed out that you have tried ss amps with your's & that i assume was the basis for reccomending a tube amp,you also reccomended several different ss amps... 
What's the best s.s. integrated for Khorns?
aside from marco has anybody else even tried their own khorns with a solid state amp ?sometimes i think that most of the stuff written about tubes & khorns is all part of the mystique that has surrounded this speaker instead of observations ma... 
What's the best s.s. integrated for Khorns?
ive owned klipsch horns & i ran them with tubes & solid state,i prefered solid state any day over tubes,you hear all the time about how loud 5 or 10 watts will be with 104 db speakers,not 100% true,that statement is subjective to what each... 
Is solid state obsolete?
i hope so that way i can get my hands on everybody's obsolete amps super cheap.mike. 
Help critic my system
you have a world class rig,IMO any improvements at your level will be very small especially with cables & power cords,if your so inclined to try different power cord & cabling combinations there's nothing like experiencing them in your own... 
what made you get into high end gear.
David berry,thanks for the kind words,i wouldnt wish what happened to my family on my worst enemy,you might be suprised later in life as to how your trips with your sons to the hifi shop help shape them as men, cherish your time with them beacuse ... 
its all about the music,no way hose
ellery911,i knew you were pullin my chain,i gotta agree about the rowland gear in fact i agree with just about everything that was written in the thread.hi marco,i knew you were screwin around too & i wasnt really tryin to prove anything i was... 
its all about the music,no way hose
Onhwy61,your right,its my thing & i like it,if we all liked the same thing we would all own multiple copies of the same test disc,call it a fetish if you like im ok with that,it might be a fetish or a perversion,who knows?as for your command o... 
its all about the music,no way hose
marco,i dont think there's a hose b but i'll keep my eye out for ya.Ellery911,with joking aside how can you or any other high end owner look at the rowland system you mentioned even if it is imaginary & not say damm thats beautifil looking gea... 
its all about the music,no way hose
actually i meant no way hose a but the a got dropped. 
Best Speaker for $2500 Rock - Jazz, No Clue
there's a smokin pair of mcintosh xrt 20's for sale on agon right now right in your price range,no bass problems there,excellent imaging & will not bottom out with rock or jazz.mike. 
Does a listening room help or hinder?
Bob Pi see where your going with this,correct me if im wrong but are'nt the two one in the same & dependant of each other?if it were'nt for OUR rigs none of us would even be here at all,i always thought that agon was a site devoted to the buyi... 
Does a listening room help or hinder?
bignerd is right on point,keep your rig intergrated with the rest of your home,ive had my rigs all over the house including a dedicated room,the most enjoyable to me has been to either keep a rig in my office or in the family room.i know that some...