

Responses from bigjoe

Best Cd Player under $100,000
i just bought it,give me a few weeks & i'll be posting the new super rig in all out assault,if they let me. 
Interconnect set-up from pre to 2 mono-blocks?
every stereo amp ive ever owned that ran in bridged mono used the red(right)terminal for mono bridging.mike 
Wife Acceptance Factor
i dont get it,really,all the guys who claim to have nagging wives always crying about their hobbies must be nuts,is the 9u$$ that good where you are not allowed to pursue somthing your passionet about & your ok with it?every time i read one of... 
Klipschorn: Still relevant??
telescope_tradeeither i didnt explain well enough or you misunderstood,either way here is what i meant,i do believe that set up & matching systems is important but what i dont believe is this.just about everytime somebody says that they are un... 
Klipschorn: Still relevant??
have you ever listened to horn speakers in general even if they werent khorns,i would reccomend that before you buy or sell anything that you try to hear atleast one pair of high effeciency horn speakers.ive owned most of the klipsch heratige line... 
Don't Think I'll Buy This...
you've just described most of the dealer ads on this site,its the old school sales mentality,get them on the phone then sell.as soon as i click into an ad & i dont see a pic i instantly click back out of it without reading anything & i byp... 
Just FREEZE it?.......................
i wish the link worked. 
Does a subwoofer amplifer exist?
hsu,nht,dbx,m&k,all 4 of these manufacturers make subwoofer amps for passive subs.mike. 
Calling all MC275 MK IV owners..............
i own the c2200 preamp & i love it,i ran a mc2102 on the c2200 & the 2 tube units paired up nicely,you shouldnt have a mismatch with the c2200 mc275 combo.mike. 
Calling all MC275 MK IV owners..............
hi pookie.tube rolling is just trying out different brands & types of tubes.the glow you spoke of is normal & after the tubes break in they will settle down.there isnt a optimum setting for your gain controls but you can use them to your b... 
NPR, Wine Tasteing, & Audiophiles
i dont know anything about wine but i drink alot of cognac & i can tell ya that if you drink a bottle of rot gut you'll wake up with 1 hell of a mess on your hands while on the otherhand you can down a whole bottle of xo supreme & wake up ... 
filthy pigs
Camadecowhat is it with these idiots & the nasty supermarket boxes,i bought my son a intergrated a while back & the fool packed it in a grape box & he left a few smashed & rotting grapes in the bottom too,to make things worse the t... 
Do you get Ringing in the Ears from your hi-fi?
my father lived with hearing loss in his right ear for years in fact he was allmost deaf in that ear,before he died he had to go in for a mri & while he was in the machine he started screaming in pain,they pulled him out of the machine & h... 
filthy pigs
hey dean,you know the best thing about those pesky $15 hookers is you dont have to worry about teeth gettin in the way. 
Advice for a tube newbie: McIntosh MC275
im with theo,option 2 seems the easiest way to explore tubes,if you really must get into high end cables tributaries are fairly nice cables without breaking the bank.from my experience's mac gear dont respond very well to different types of cabeli...