
Responses from bhvf

What were the radio stations of your youth that helped you on your music/audio journey?
WTSR, Trenton State Radio. They had a great Reggae night where I discovered tons of bands I, to this day, never would know. 
Fritz Carrera BE vs. Harbeth 30.1
Great write up. I was selling my Harbeth 30.1s but then decided to keep them as I wanted the 2 distinct sounding systems, one in bedroom, one in main room. The Harbeth's are in the bedroom and Salks, as hilde45 has, in the main room. Keep both! 
Moving to the UK - Need Transformer
I would try and get the equipment converted before you leave. It sounds like you're permanently moving there. You'll be happier with the gear converted.  I moved from the US to UK and sold what made sense, converted what I was able to and bought w... 
Krell K-300i (with its optional DAC) vs. McIntosh MA7200 (with DA1) vs. ? (including DAC)
Thanks for that @yyzsantabarbara . I'm looking at both of those right now. I was supposed to audition the Boulder this past Saturday but the dealer told me after I showed up that he couldn't get to it as he had too much stuff in his shop. I drove ... 
Krell K-300i (with its optional DAC) vs. McIntosh MA7200 (with DA1) vs. ? (including DAC)
I just had the K-300i at my house and would recommend anyone looking for an under $10k integrated to listen to it.  It's a much more open sound than I expected. Not bright at all, dynamic and clean. I tried the digital module using a Lumin streame... 
Unfair Competition: Orchard Audio Bosc Monoblocks vs. Pass Labs XA30.8
I think draaglah is spot on.  I have in front of me right now an Ayre V-5xe, Ayre AX-5 Twenty, Krell K-300i and a Cherry MEGAschino (crazy powerful). In order of coloring the music from most to least I really believe it's AX-5, V-5xe, MEGAschino, ... 
endgame Amp for my Audiovector R3 Arrete
I've heard the T+A with Audio Vector (a couple of the R series speakers) at a local dealer quite a bit. Sounds great and I love the way the T+A looks. I don't think you can go wrong with it but give it a try to see if it's your preference.  
Sure would be handy if someone else could just figure out my preferences for me so I can just listen to music instead. This is so true.  I love the hunt but at the same time get so frustrated.  I guess that's why dealers are great for most people.... 
How is the Pass Labs X150.5 at low volume?
Just speculation as I've never tried it but the Pass with a good solid state pre or less tubey pre maybe could do it for you. A Florida Pass dealer I know suggests VTL pre with Pass amps. They can be had used at pretty good prices. He pairs those ... 
Sugden/Allnic or Luxman L-509X?
I don't know where you're located but my local dealer in Pennsylvania carries both Sugden and Luxman and has an outstanding record store attached to his store.  He knows vinyl.  I've never heard the Sugden stuff. I believe he has the Luxman 509 an... 
How is the Pass Labs X150.5 at low volume?
Somewhat similar to @audiojan I have a Evo400 pre that I tried with a Pass 150.8 and didn't really like it. I would not use it for low level listening to say the least.  My typical volume maxes out at 80 db peaks and it sounded slow, unemotional a... 
Recommendations for speakers with Luxman 509x
Avoiding rear port speakers when close to a wall is a wive's tale so to speak. The definition of "close" is probably more the problem. If you have 18 inches behind the speaker you’d be fine and you have 2 feet. 
Parasound vs Primaluna vs Alternatives
I'm not the one you are asking but I believe this one:I settled on a little known bespoke pre-amp called the Truth from the Horn ShoppeI know nothing about it just wanted to give you an answer. 
Recommendations for speakers with Luxman 509x
My local dealer sometimes pairs the Luxman integrateds with Devore Super Nines, retail $10k, and it sounds great. Huge soundstage and the speakers are very attractive and not large, so high WAF (wife acceptance factor). More bass than expected for... 
Review of Rogue Audio RP-9 preamp
Great write-up, craig.  When I was looking at preamps I really liked the RP-7 and would have bought it had it not been for older versions having no RCA to balanced HT pass-through (it was a store demo I was buying).  The RP-9 came out around the t...