
Responses from bgrazman

McCormack dna-1 with revisions/modifications?
I don't know the DNA-1, but have the DNA-0.5 with SMC revisions & have been very happy with it. Lived with Level A revisions for about 2.5 years and recently went the full monty up to platinum (and happy with the results).I think there are a n... 
Backwall wall behind my back treatment.
rpg diffractal 
Biamping question
I think the questions about matching were answered.In terms of grounding, either direction is fine, I would just make sure I mounted the i/c's the same direction (if they are matched). Most i/c's are grounded on the "to" side if I am not mistaken ... 
Biamping question
I agree with Ngjockey... would add 2 other things:--same length--same direction (I would want the shielding to be grounded to the same component) 
Help with a wide/twin bay rack
I made a DIY rack when I ran into the same issue.Shelves are butcher block (glue, clamp, sand, drill)Uprights are 5/8" threaded rods 
Any Impressions on the IsoRock GR3
I have the stands and think they made quite a difference (I filled them with sand and not lead shot).1. they will change the tonal balance depending on the height of your listening chair versus the speakers (they raise the speaker about 8-9").2. i... 
Can I soundproof a rec room that's already built?
One of the "objectives" you can get Rives to look at in a design is soundproofing. While that was not a concern to me, they were great to work with (you can find out about them from other forums or their website).(PS-am a customer of theirs, not a... 
does anybody still listen
I do the same--heavy rotation plus "an oldie"--But, when I just want to listen, what I do is go to a marker that I keep in my collection (like a book mark) and listen & move the marker... it helps me rediscover a lot of the one-offs and things... 
Speakercable and powercord that thightens bass.
Different suggestion to achieve the same effect:Realtrap Basstraps--you might have "bloated bass" because of an untamed room... (I am running Nordost SPM's but in contrast to wrtickle, I can't point "nordost" & "lower price point"in the same s... 
This may be a rhetorical ? but
Of course, size matters!(I had to get rid of my Dunlavey SC-IIIs when I moved to a smaller listening room, the sound from the drivers just didn't integrate properly) 
Soundstage perspective w/ Chenin and Cortese
1. deeper2. more stable3. marginally more broadAs I have continued (3 elements remaining are a door to the room, a diffuser behind the listening position and ceiling greatment), I have also heard more separation--between instruments (I tend to lis... 
Soundstage perspective w/ Chenin and Cortese
Don't forget the room!!!I moved about a year ago and have seen the image change dramatically--from the old house to the new house (dedicated room in each), and then almost as much when I started putting in the pieces of the Rives design.I'm runnin... 
How U determine first and second reflection points
I found it easier to use a small mirror if I put a lamp (no shade) at the center of the speaker, then, as above, move the mirror until you "see the light".Other choice is to sketch your room (to scale) and find the reflection point on the drawing ... 
McCormack DNA1 stability
go to and ask Steve McCormack (the designer). He's a straight shooter...and a nice guy. 
Other sub amp for Gallo Ref3 secondary voice coil?
Spurz,I can't find the threads, but I'm sure it was here.I'll keep lookingDopogue,How hard do you have to push your 845's? (the amp I have coming is based on the 300b tubes).Thanks,brent