
Responses from bgrazman

Stable component rack
George,I made my own shelves by taking 1X2 and glueing 'em together. So, I have 2" thick shelves that will tend to warp less than a solid piece of wood... finished them with oil (so I don't care about the cones "damaging" the finish".Must admit, I... 
Stable component rack
Like Yio, I have a homemade version---but I started out with the stock version (for 6 years) before I felt the itch. Rack sounds OK, but I have been known to add mass (granite or maple slabs), and was not always too thrilled with the lateral stabi... 
What's the difference between LS series, SP series
The LS series does not have phono. That may be the difference... 
Do you care about the LOOK???
when I asked the Rolex salesman about "how well the watch kept time" compared to the seiko on my arm, his reply bowled me over laughing:"sir, the gentleman that wears a rolex is allowed to be ten minutes late to a meeting"(I know wear a Ulysse Nar... 
Do you care about the LOOK???
I have broken through the "matched black box barrier"--looks matter & some good designers realize that. 
Which preamp........for sonic bliss????
Have you looked into the Supratek preamps? They have some strong proponents (including myself). See the "best preamp under $10k" thread.bgrazman 
Do you need a special soldering iron?
I agree with Ghost, would be very careful with a soldering gun around a PCB (printed circuit board). 
Cables with Musical, Deep, Tight, Bass Response
You don't mention price.I like my Nordost SPM's, but you also have to add speed to the list... 
What is your comfort level?
Over the year, my philosophy has been cost per upgrade and not cost per component. If I trade a component for $2k, then my comfort level for the replacement is $2k + "X".I have also found that the longer I am in the hobby, the higher X goes (and I... 
What would you do?
...sleep better at night...I think you did the right thing. When stung by such a "tire kicker" you must make the call about negative feedback--others would appreciate knowing, but you risk a "feedback battle".best regards,bgrazman 
Help, Turntable Belt.... Weird
don't use windex.the problem is the solvents in it and not the ammonia.I would use a gentle soap and then air dry(vpi aries owner) 
Any experience w/ better equipment racks?
Nrchy,Fair enough, but fool seems a little harsh-- one can certainly think about how to couple (or decouple) a shelf that meets ones needs to the rack below.If you don't care for my advice that's ok too. You asked for opinions & I gave mine.(I... 
Any experience w/ better equipment racks?
why not just place a "big enough" shelf over the stock top shelf?(of course, you will then have the chance to play around with all of the different ways to couple the new "big enough" top shelf to the old "too small" top shelf...aurios, daruma, tw... 
Can Electronics Affect Speaker Placement?
I think you can affect the tonal balance with speaker placement and that if you are hearing that big of a difference (i.e., the upgrades caused that much of a change in sound), then it may be worth playing with speaker placement. (of course, just ... 
Gallo Ref3 Subwoofer Amplifier
I still think it's the speaker breaking in... if you're getting more bass (with the amp), then at the very least, you're getting more excursion.and how many angels fit on the head of a pin? (meaning, as long as you like the sound, who really cares...