
Responses from bgrazman

Supratek ??
I've had my Syrrah for about 2 years. Probably the best audio purchase I've ever made. Have upgraded almost every other component since its purchase & it still isn't running out of steam.There are other threads that can go into the details of ... 
Will an entry level tube preamp help w/ B&K ST-140
I used to have the SS Revelation Basic (dual mono) with my B&K and loved it... then I moved to an ARC LS-7 and waw wowwed! That was many generations of equipment ago & I still have a tube pre (Supratek Syrah) and SS amp (McCormack DNA 0.5 ... 
New grill fabric for Dunlavy
I did this with hot glue & "speaker fabric" from the local craft store (where my wife's a regular). I agree with Warnerwh, it's a pretty easy job. 
Schweikert VR4-Jr vs. Gallo Reference 3 with SA
I hope you are right... I was ready to give my dealer a deposit, but he wouldn't take it (don't hear that too often) so maybe I sound negative out of frustration...In any case, buy the speakers now, get 'em nice & broken in & ready for the... 
Schweikert VR4-Jr vs. Gallo Reference 3 with SA
My dealer confirmed today that Gallo won't even take an order for the SA amplifier. They are now saying that they do not know the final price and not to expect anything before the end of Q1 '05. 
Best way to remove static build-up?
I used to work in "hard surface care" (glass cleaners & such)... here's a trick you can try: take some dryer sheets (unused) and wipe your cables with them.Not only will they smell "spring fresh" but some of the surfactant will rub off on your... 
Schweikert VR4-Jr vs. Gallo Reference 3 with SA
I have factory terminated spades... but I don't know how Nordost terminates them. 
Schweikert VR4-Jr vs. Gallo Reference 3 with SA
On my system page, there's a picture of the silver 3's with the maple base. Away from home right now, so I can't take detailed photos of the spade size, but I hooked up my Nordost SPM's with no problem.Can't wait to talk to my dealer about the SA.... 
What is "biwiring"?
I don't claim to be any particular expert, but I think biwiring means one connection at the amp end (if the speaker cable is split, you just fasten both together) going to two connections (one high & one low) at the speaker end.With speakers d... 
Schweikert VR4-Jr vs. Gallo Reference 3 with SA
Pmotz,I'm actually working with Rives on my room (I'm in the process of building out the Rives design) and yes, he recommends the 4jrs, but I liked the Gallos better. My room is 13' X 15'6" and the speakers are "on" the long wall--speakers to list... 
Schweikert VR4-Jr vs. Gallo Reference 3 with SA
1. I ended up with the Gallo's (may as well put it up front).2. The SA is "vapor-ware": not yet available, may or may not ever be. The reviewed prototypes may or may not represent what is produced (I'm not negative, I plan to buy the SA when &... 
Amp for Gallo Reference 3a's?
I'm having great luck with my McCormack DNA 0.5--modded by Steve McCormack (SMC Audio) to Rev. A + (I added WBT connectors to the rev. a package).Fast, neutral, more than enough power in a small to medium room... 
preamp to mate with McCormack DNA 1
I've got a ARC LS-7 driving my DNA 0.5 (Revision A)... waiting for a Supratek Syrah that I ordered about 4 months ago (Mick said that the sensitivity is adjustable to deal with high power amps).just my 0.02 
VPI SDS question
The other thing the SDS does (for me) is that it stops the noise from the SAMA getting into other components (I'm not an electrical engineer, but I think that the electric return was dirty).I also plugged my SDS into the mains filter (Chang Lights... 
Aries owner, what isolation device do you use?
I made a 4" deep sandbox (out of MDF), then laid a 1" thick poished granite slab on top of the sand... this brought focus.My second step was to put the tt & the SAMA on stainless steel blocks on top of the granite (the idea was to "couple" the...