
Responses from bgrazman

Other sub amp for Gallo Ref3 secondary voice coil?
Spurzheim:What kind of tube amp are you using? I am going to play with my SET amp when it arrives, but don't know if 7 watts will be enough...I'll be using it with the Gallo SA amp --I'm signed up for one as soon as they arrive from my dealer (sup... 
Vibration Isolation............ where to start?
Agree with the above, but it's also important to check the tubes. 
Is solid state obsolete?
Foolish though it may be, I'll comment on JW's last sentence: I think that a tube pre and a SS amp is the way to go... Supratek & SMC Platinum (MacCormack DNA 0.5 Revision for me...). 
Personal amp evolution
fisherdynaco st 70carver 1.0citationb&k st-140mccormack dna 0.5SMC Revision A (on the dna)SMC Revision Platinum + Carbon/siltech (on the dna) 
Schweikert VR4-Jr vs. Gallo Reference 3 with SA
The SA's are supposed to be shipping the end of this month!! I suppose we'll wait and see, but this is the first definitive commitment from Gallo i've heard 
Seek amp for Anthony Gallo Ref 3's
I'm running the top with a McCormack DNA 0.5 (was revision A, but it's back at SMC Audio and going up to Platinum level). I'm waiting for the Gallo SA amp to be released (late this month) which will have both the xover, controls & bass amplifi... 
Best opentop CDP
I just got one (so my comments may not be objective), but the Bow ZZ 8 (used) is in this price range too... just not too many around. 
Traps vs Equalizer
In my room, based on my needs, Rives recommended MondoTraps RealTraps...I wouldn't accuse them of the "if you're a hammer, the world looks like a nail" syndrome. 
Which companies also offer good service??
SMC Audio (Steve even posts on the 'gon)VPI has always been very responsive also 
$1000 to spend on an amp used
I've always liked the Maccormack DNA designs. They also have the benefit of a solid upgrade path through SMC Audio upgrades (Steve Maccormack's new company). Happy listening! 
Dustcover suggestions?
vu also made a cover for me (i wanted to cover my vpi aries & the motor). great guy, fair price. 
Wife approval factor?
She ignores my equipment (but I did get unsolicited comments on my Supratek Syrah & Gallo III's).She demanded (& received) permission to pick the colors for my dedicated listening room (walls, rug, cloth covers for absorbers). 
508 18 bit upgrade or just add a dac, benchmark?
I run my 508.24 through a suite of Monarchy Audio equipment (DIP-Upsampler-DAC). I found much better air & imaging and while I wouldn't call it more bass, the bass was much tighter & more focused.As cytocyle says, I am holding out for a st... 
Preamp suggestions for a McCormack DNA-125?
I had great success pairing my McCormack DNA 0.5 with an ARC LS-7 (then when $ were available, upgraded to a Supratek Syrah). 
Various approach to bass trapping
I am a recent convert to the "your room is a component" religion and I just got 2 realtraps mondotraps... (spec'ed for my room by rives audio). I agree with Cytocyle--these are quite compact for their performance and mine (black) even had an OK re...