
Responses from bgrazman

What room treatment or treatments...
Of course, Ethan has a vested interest in selling traps...Of course, the important thing is the sound--I'm most of the way done with implementing my Rives Level 1 (diffuser is 6 weeks from delivery, then I have to deal with the ceiling) and I'm de... 
Preamp with most dynamic contrast?
mine--Supratek Syrah (for your price range, could probably move up to the Grange). 
Another musical "heads up"....
Ask some of the young 'uns this one (and watch them look puzzled):"Was Paul McCartney in a band before Wings?"(I listened to the White Album on Sunday...) 
Your thoughts would be appreciated..
McCormack DNA 0.5--used should be in your price range. Will sound great & gives a significant upgrade path (through SMCAudio). 
speaker cable length question
Aren't you asking the question:For a fixed distance Preamp to amplifiers to speakers what is the best sounding balance of distances (pre to amp) vs. (amp to speaker).In my experience, you are better off with shorter i/c's and longer speaker cables... 
Need cartridge advice for Supratek preamp
West,I've owned a Syrrah for a few years--have had good success with the 2 cart's I've owned in that time:Shelter 501 mk II & Benz Micro L2.So I've gone to the 400 mV kind of range with good luck. Don't know what experiences others have had.Ha... 
What room treatment or treatments...
Advent,That seems like a lot of bass trapping.Were you having resonance problems? 
Your pick of CD player....
Kehut,Just saw a ZZ8 ad appear 
Just bought a nitty gritty, hear no difference.
Are the clicks & pops from dirt? Or are they vinyl damage? (cleaners won't help).bgrazman 
What room treatment or treatments...
I have a small room. Had Rives Audio do a "diy" design (wanted to build as many components as possible).It includes:RealTrapsTuned resonatorsRigid 'glass (first reflection points & others)RPG DiffractalCeiling diffracting grid (diy)happy liste... 
Misleading ad titles and prices
I too ignore the ads (there is a dealer section). I tried to start a thread on this and it was yanked.I hate when I get my thread yanked.Happy listening, 
VPI Aries with JMW-10 need help
When I had a linestage, I had a MacCormack Phono Drive (not the micro) combined with a Shelter 501 Mk II. Was happy with the results. with what I know now, I would probably throw in a cartridgeman isolater with it.happy listening, 
Tube Pre
Consider the Supratek Syrah. I have mine paired up with a SMCAudio/MacCormack DNA 0.5 Platinum and am quite pleased with the results. There are a lot of threads about this pre here (see "best preamps under 10K" for example).Happy listening, 
Your pick of CD player....
If you can find one used, I've been thrilled with my BOW Technologies ZZ8. 
This sucks
Like phones? STAX STAX STAX