
Responses from beetlemania

Thiel Owners
The driver motor distortions are less than 1/10th of anything else I have seen. And the dual cone driver has extremely low breakup This is the main reason I came back to Thiel. Off the top of my head, the only drivers that  I consider clearly bett... 
Thiel cs2.4 upgrade to cs 2.4 se
Probably a question for Tom Thiel . . . I do know for individual components +/- 3-5% is acceptable, but maybe the tolerance is tighter for the global circuit? As a check, l compared the frequency response of a tone glide with and without the upgra... 
Thiel Owners
Nice job, @holco a second confirmation that Thiel performance can be elevated to the next tier by better passive parts. TBF, the parts I have were not available when the 2.4 was introduced. And if they were, they might have nearly doubled the reta... 
Thiel cs2.4 upgrade to cs 2.4 se
@desmond888Are you asking about capacitance or resistance? The DC resistance on my FST coax board (with Mills resistors) was 30.5 ohms, 0.4 ohm on the woofer board. My new boards matched those values within 0.1 ohm. On my copy of the 2.4 layout, s... 
Thiel Owners
@holco Take a look at this if you’re not already aware, I previously suggested mounting resistors on aluminum to help with cooling when you had them buried under caps. Yeah, um, do *not* do that. It appear... 
Thiel Owners
Thanks for the reply, Andy. I’m pretty sure the C in CSA is for copper. Maybe your earlier experience was with Clarity SA? Tom Thiel suggested Mundorfs as a possibility for the coax feeds early last year and I considered those. From my reading, th... 
Thiel Owners
@andy2have you compared Clarity, Mundorf, and Jantzen (or others)? Which ones? 
Thiel Owners
@tomthiel This thread put CSA 250V on the coax feeds (had to parallel 10+3.9 and 18+10 uF). He reported his perception of a change in balance and suboptimal neutrality a... 
Thiel Owners
@sgmlawI agree there is a good amount of art to voicing a XO. But know that Tom T has put in a mountain of homework, drawing on his own experience and that of several industry professionals with decades of knowledge/experience. The idea for these ... 
Thiel Owners
@jafantI have never noticed any stress from my Ayre AX-5 at any SPL in my 18x19 room (vaulted ceiling with large openings on rear wall). With my combo of amp and DAC, clipping sets in at an indicated “40” on the volume with a typical CD. Even for ... 
Do $2k speakers + DSP = $50k speakers?
I’m gonna go with “nope”.Every speaker has compromises. The more you spend the fewer the compromises. At $2k, there are MANY compromises. DSP might mitigate room modes but will never mitigate a loud cabinet, lack of bass, resonant drivers, or unde... 
Thiel Owners
@andy2Keep in mind that my SEs had FST boards. Compared to (most?) standard 2.4s, these have better coax feed caps but potentially worse caps and coils elsewhere.Here is what I wrote regarding the Mills resistors 
Thiel Owners
Regarding the FST coils, I sent pics to Tom Thiel and he noted the apparent loose winding. When my new ERSE and Jantzen coils arrived, I was stunned at the difference in tightness of the windings. Given my global changes, I cannot say to what degr... 
Thiel Owners
@jafantYes, I have 163/164. What a memory!Given that the SE was released before Jim T passed in 2009 and my pair was built in 2012 (as reported by the seller and confirmed per label on a woofer), I suspect SEs were built as orders trickled in. But... 
Thiel Owners
@sgmlaw I was disappointed to learn that my late SEs had Chinese-sourced crossovers and probably would not have bought them had I known this. Nevertheless, the drivers are superb and the cabinets are good . . . and now Tom Thiel is working on an u...