
Responses from beetlemania

Bypass capacitor questions
Bypassing in crossovers makes the sound phasey and not quite right. That was *not* my experience. I heard sharper transients and a tad more resolution with the RTX.The first change I made was replacing the sandcasts with Mills MRAs. That was a re... 
Revel F208 Review by Earl
@jafant I agree. Revels are highly regarded but my experience is a big “meh”. Even the Salon 2s were underwhelming. I suppose my expectations were too high after reading the reviews but they just didn’t have “it”. But maybe it was the Levinson ele... 
Bypass capacitor questions
I would not suggest multiple different types of bypass caps being used at the same time. Interesting. Thanks for the comment. 
Bypass capacitor questions
Sorry, I'll try again.Nearly all of my caps are Clarity CSAs.This includes two caps directly in the coax feed and one subfeed. These three caps - and no others - include RTX bypass.I compared, in mono, with and without the RTX to discern their imp... 
Has anyone hired cyrix7x86 on Ebay to "upgrade" their crossovers?
I exchanged a few messages with him but ended up building entirely new XOs myself.  
Thiel Owners
Nice, holco! Wish there was a way to compare my ERSE foil to your Jantzen. But I’m pretty much done now except for the hookup wire.  
Why the facination with integrated amps?
For me it's bang-for-the-buck. I saved for 3 years to splurge on an Ayre AX-5. I'm not aware of separates at this price point that sound as good.  
Thiel Owners
Thank you @holcoI was considering leaving the OEM coax wire because of imagined difficulties but your success will propel me forward. I’ve ordered a solder pot so that I can properly tin my Cardas ends. 
Thiel cs2.4 upgrade to cs 2.4 se
Has you opinion of the CSAs changed? 
Thiel cs2.4 upgrade to cs 2.4 se
I did not attempt to compare Mills and Vishay Mills. I read one opinion that the older Mills are better but Tom Thiel thinks this is not worth worrying about. And it’s mostly academic because the CS2.4 values force you to buy some of each - imposs... 
Thiel Owners
@holco Impressive! Curious to know what difficulties you encountered replacing the hookup wire. The run from the coax board to the coax looks problematic to me. Some questions:Was your OEM wire in a tube, sealed with hot melt? How did you guide th... 
Tweeter Capacitor Upgrade (Coincident PREs)
I feel 0.01uF is way to little I have Multicap RTX bypasses (~1%) on my Clarity CSAs. On well-recorded music this sounds fantastic. Excellent transients with resolution and transparency for days. But poorly recorded music can sound "cool", even th... 
Thiel Owners
Thanks for the extra pics, holco. I tried unsuccessfully to add pics on Audiogon systems a couple of months ago. Not sure what the problem was. 
Thiel Owners
An update on my upgrade impressions . . .There have times over the past couple of weeks when I wondered whether the new boards were fully settled. Regardless, I’ve noticed more than ever the differences in recording and mastering quality among alb... 
Thiel Owners
FWIW, I measured freq response of a tone sweep pre and post on axis and from the listening position. Now, the microphone was simply my iPad but both channels had the same handicap. All good. Well, there was a detour but not worth typing out the st...