
Responses from beetlemania

Thiel Owners
@tomthiel Not that I’m an expert or professional but that approach sounds “right”. Measurements are useful for identifying problems but not necessarily helpful for indicating superior SQ. How is it that amps, for example, with similar measurements... 
Thiel Owners
From Jim Thiel in Soundstage review of 2.4SE were the improvements measured? Jim Thiel again: "The improved resolution is not the kind of thing that shows up well in measurements; the mag... 
Thiel Owners
@holco thanks for the pics. Looks like you still have the stock 0.72 mH coil on the woofer board. Is that the one too far out of spec?Were you able to compare SQ with and without the foil coil on the coax board? 
Thiel Owners
I really enjoyed my years with the CS1.6. I had them well away from the rear wall and there was no meaningful output below 50 cycles. I gave serious consideration to adding Vandy or Thiel subs but ended up moving on. Outside of the lack of bass, m... 
Thiel Owners
@tomthiel That is very interesting and I look forward to reading your report. Do you imagine the technology will eventually extend to the other Thiel models or just those few with a slot port? 
Thiel Owners
@jafant I have the stock resistors. I suspect the 6 dB gain version is for people with low gain phono setups. I have a TT but my cartridge and phono stage work well with my amp albeit the gain is plainly down compared to my DAC (and with hirez I r... 
Thiel Owners
@tomthiel I can’t wait to hear your airflow technology. I’m wondering how that might modify image density. 
Thiel Owners
@jafant Looks like either a qx-5 or dx-5 into an ax-5 will clip at about “40” on the indicator, assuming full output CD such as most rock recordings. Only a small difference between the models. This is for XLR connections. RCA will be more like “4... 
Thiel Owners
Pretty sure I once heard a V-1 with the CS7.2, no issues just music. CS5 I’ve not heard ever but agree that most Ayre amps probably not be the best match. The “40” on the indicator is for my specific combo of amp and source! I can probably calcula... 
Thiel Owners
@jafant glad you got to hear that Ayre stack. My combo of AX-5 and QB-9 will result in clipping around a “40” on the volume indicator (max 46, 1.5 dB steps). My room is 18x19 with a vaulted ceiling and two large openings on the rear wall. I listen... 
Most Recent ROON Upgrade Quite Nice
I already loved Roon and couldn’t imagine my system without it. Roon 1.6 is even better although I have not noticed improved SQ. But the GUI is better than ever and I really like Roon radio reaching beyond my library. Finally, I can’t wait to try ... 
Thiel Owners
@andy2 my 2.4s have wood inserts for all the driver screws including the radiator. Good thing. Between early reconnaissance, replacing the resistors, and the more recent work I’ve probably taken the radiators off 20+ times. There is a trick to it.... 
What are the best speakers you have ever owned and why?
Since 1980:Chartwell monitors (nice!)B&W DM12Thiel CS1.6Vandersteen 2Ce Sig II (amazing value!)Thiel CS2.4SEWith coaching from Tom Thiel, I just built completely new XOs for the 2.4s. I’m quite certain this is my last pair of speakers. Other t... 
Thiel Owners
New XO boards now in final configuration on my former SEs. I guess I need a moniker for these. Maybe CS2.4TB for Tom’s Bliss ;^)And though the boards are finished I still want to replace my FST input and output wire. Also, I intend to replace the ... 
Thiel cs2.4 upgrade to cs 2.4 se
@holco yes, I literally had a grin on my face after I had the second channel upgraded. I was able to hear the improvements in mono but going to stereo put me in musical bliss. Wow!