
Responses from beetlemania

Thiel Owners
I investigated the Vivid speakers. They are seriously competent. But I can't find anything about their filter alignments; I strongly suspect they are higher order, whereby they can more easily solve all the other design aspects and produce con... 
Are Pass Labs amps probably the best ever you can buy ?
Pass is excellent. I prefer Ayre and ARC, maybe Rowland, but it's hard to make a bad choice with these brands. 
Thiel Owners
Seems like an amp list might be heavily biased to simple measurements, and it’s tough to meaningfully measure either speaker or amp, never mind their interaction. Most Thiel models drop below 3 ohms over part of the audioband but what can you say ... 
Thiel Owners
On this site many believe the 2.4 is the best sounding I don’t recall reading those opinions here but I see that Tom Thiel considers the 2 to be Thiel’s sweet spot. That said, the "hot-rodded" 2.4 should push performance to the next SQ tier. In th... 
Thiel Owners
2.7 as it was the last speaker Mr. Thiel designed and built. Yesterday I posted false information about who completed the CS2.7, which was finalized and released after Jim Thiel passed. I have since deleted that post. From Tom Thiel’s PM to me:The... 
Thiel Owners
I have come to agree that quality can easily trump quantity. In my 2 channel set up, I drive KEF Reference 3's with a Pass Labs INT-60 which is "only" 60W into 8-ohms, the first 30 of which are Class A. Lemme tell you, the sound is extraordina... 
Vandersteen 5a ct vs Wilson Audio Sasha?
at that price point worth an airline ticket or two. Yes!That said . . . I have not heard the 5 Carbon but I have heard the W/P7 and Sasha and the Vandy 7. Without an audition, I would go with the 5 Carbon over Wilson. Those Vandersteen carbon dr... 
Thiel Owners
@holco after you factor in extra shipping and VAT, maybe it wouldn’t be too much more to stretch for locally-sourced Path Audio resistors! They are said to be the very best available. 
Thiel Owners
@mr_bill All time best Thiels are 7.2, 3.7, and, maybe 5. What is your budget? Keep in mind that Tom Thiel is planning upgrades for crossovers of many models, including 2.4 and 3.6. Could get a superb, updated Thiel at a great price (ie, used spea... 
Thiel Owners
I am gathering the parts to start the 2.4 upgrade in earnest, including most caps, coils, and board from Tom Thiel. I plan to post a journal of the process, including pics. I don’t see a way to include pics on Audiogon, though. I might use audioas... 
Thiel Owners
Sonic Craft has all the values for CS2.4, either Mills or Vishay-Mills. I imagine they can ship to Europe  
Thiel Owners
@tomthiel Interesting that there are 3 iterations of the CS2.4 XO. It appears that, other than the Clarity SAs on the coax feeds, my SE version has the lowest parts quality of the 3! I suppose the sandcast resistors are equivalent for each iterati... 
Thiel Owners
CS3.7 coax with the CS5 sealed bass for me ;^)Incorporate Tom Thiel’s ideas for crossover components.Tom Thiel would make the diaphragms of carbon. Anyone have $5M for a company start up? 
Thiel Owners
Brand new 3.7s? Wow, nice! 
Thiel Owners
@holco Your PCBs look a bit different than mine in that you have different brand caps. Mine are CYCs other than the Clarity SAs in the coax feed; yours might be Solen? Regardless, your cap quality looks superior to mine other than those Claritys. ...