
Responses from bdgregory

rel with monoblocks
ok, I understand. Indeed not all amps are the same. I knew fully balanced amps present issues for the Rel (and not all fully balanced amps are the same), and it's apparent your amps do likewise. My amps are mod'd B&K M200's and I have no issue... 
active crossover freqncy for Totem Mani2
you really, really need to search the archives on biamping. There is one thread on this topic that has some excellent discussion and contribution from Steve McCormack. Find it, read it.Also, I did biamp my Mani's. The result was at best a marginal... 
active crossover freqncy for Totem Mani2
given you have 2 identical amps - I suggest you go vertical biamp. Given your preamp doesn't have dual pre-outs - all you need is a y adapter - I have my home theater front mains set up this way - I run one interconnect from my preamp for each cha... 
active crossover freqncy for Totem Mani2
It's not clear if the reason you want to use an external crossover is for the purpose of biamping. If it's not, I can't imagine you could improve on the performance over Totem's internal crossover.If you want to bi amp speakers you need 2 stereo a... 
Lexicon MC-1; DC-1 Power supplies
ouch. I guess I was lucky I bought when I did. I read somewhere that this is a standard PS unit that can be bought elsewhere (ie through standard component sellers like Mouser). I don't know what P/N to look for though. You may want to google . . . 
Lexicon MC-1; DC-1 Power supplies
Lexicon Parts dept. 
Recommendation for Subwoofer for Dahlquist DQ-10s
IMO you're better off with an active sub. I think many active subs have high pass out, so you run pre out to the sub inputs, then run from the sub high pass out to your monoblocks.I run a REL subwoofer which takes a slightly different approach to ... 
Recommendation for Subwoofer for Dahlquist DQ-10s
I can't answer Q1, but for Q2, did you want to drive the sub using high level or low level inputs? High level depends a lot on the sub you get I think. If you use low level you simply connect the sub to the preamp outs on your Cary.Have you consid... 
rel with monoblocks
This means that if you loose the stereo performance of the speakers as the hook-up combines the two channels. It is amazing how many systems I have seen with Rel's where the owners have done this and do not know it is occuring.This is the case wit... 
Bi-amp at 140 watt each, or single 200 watt?
unless you know for sure that your speakers are optimized for passive biamping, you'd be better off putting all of your money in one amp. The speaker mfg may be able to offer a suggestion here. 
B&K-ish suggestions for main system?
I'm also a big B&K fan. The other brand that may meet your criteria would be Conrad Johnson, but they will be somewhat more $ for comparable power output. For example the CJ MF2100 is a 100 w/c and they generally sell for $450-550. This is a 1... 
Favourite ECM Titles
Here's a very recent one (actually younger than this thread)Ralph Towner & Paolo Fresu, "Chiaroscuro" I agree!If you like Ralph Towner (I have most of what he's done) you need to get this one. I think it's his best. Even if you don't know if y... 
hardwood floors, area rugs, and spiked feet
how about putting a piece of Luann (ie 1/4 " plywood) under the speakers between the carpet and the hardwood? I have speakers directly on hardwood and put a chunk of 1" hard rock butcher block under them. This has worked fine. (Surprisingly my wif... 
Analogue for Home Theater???
Bacardi, how is the movie soundtrack (which exists on the DVD) converted from its digital form into analogue? 
Analogue for Home Theater???
isn't what you're doing just a matter of using the digital processor embedded in the Oppo rather than the one in your Onkyo? If it sound better it's because the Oppo digital processor is better, not because you're using analogue processing.