

Responses from barts

Anyone else feel like they are “transported” INTO the music
Picture worth a penny LOL!!!!
@recklesskelly +1 Absolutely true.....cracks me up though. If ya don't laugh, you're gonna cry........  Regards, barts  
Is there a ceiling limit on what you are willing to pay for an audio component?
@p05129  +1 'nuff said Regards, barts    
Advice on how to liquidate system
@jl1ny  The little I can glean from your explanation of events it sure doesn't seem like you're the kind of guy who gives up (working with flash bangs!).  So, I submit that this is not the time to sell.  Hang in there and go down every road to re... 
Audio Research in Receivership.
Equally surprising that ARC is (apparently) going down and hardly no one here is taking notice! Regards, barts    
Songs with excellent advice?
Steely Dan - Only a Fool Would Say That Reputedly as a diss on The Beatles Imagine. Regards, barts    
Help with hiss
@forestg OK so it sure sounds like its a power problem coming into your house. Your last post about plugging/unplugging each amp amp in turn and they exhibit the same symptom individually. Next step for me would be to purchase an isolation trans... 
Help with hiss
+1 @audphile1  Also, with the amp off and interconnects unplugged, insert RCA shorting plugs so that no signal is possible as an input.  Turn amps on.  Hiss OR no hiss its the amps. Regards, barts    
What is the proper loudness for listening?
I have listened at very high levels.  Hovering ~100db.  That is as loud as I care to listen, my system will do that all day,,,,I like overkill.  But, as I age I prefer music that has a large dynamic range, so it peaks at ~100db.  There is no set r... 
Forced to DIY
My dad always enlisted me as his helper in all of his DIY projects.  WWII vets didn't want or need to have people do things for them.  Of course, this was a PITA for me as a kid.  It was only after he was gone did I realize how valuable an exercis... 
Law Of Diminishing Returns?
To each his own...enjoy the music, don't buy "trinkets" that you cannot afford. And yes, there is a point of diminishing returns, although it happens on a personal level! Regards, barts  
Should I
As many have said get it checked out.  I would add that it would be best to send to Rowland for the check and possible replacements. I have an ARC D-111 from 1981 purchased from an ARC engineer who was the original. owner.  There were only twenty... 
What should my heirs do to dispose of my vinyl and CDs?
@hifiman5  I like several others here have a family that have zero interest in my audio and to go a step further neither of my kids want basically anything in the house.  Hard to believe my son who is a car guy doesn't even want his choice of sev... 
Women Who Rock
This is Grace Slick singing White Rabbit (isolated to just her voice track). Prior to Pro-tools!   Your welcome. Regards, barts  
Women Who Rock
Pussy Riot  (Russian) Regards, barts