
Responses from audiozenology

Moving cables around killed dynamics for days anyone else experience this?
paulcreed,In my experience, people who feel that way about their systems usually have fundamental issues, and usually means bad room acoustics. Every time you move your speakers, you are changing the room frequency response as it relates to your l... 
DIY speaker isolation base for a wood floor
blueranger,Quick calc says your resonant frequency is about 6Hz. That does not feel right, but perhaps geoff can check my math. I was assuming 134lbs (2x granite + speakers). That do a pretty good job at isolating most stuff over 20Hz (will be dow... 
Who else here is frugal?
Theif? :-) 
Moving cables around killed dynamics for days anyone else experience this?
Cardas also says things like this below from their website. Note that any standing voltage is DC (music is AC). However, if I take a fairly inexpensive 2 meter interconnect I have lying around that has not been connected up to anything in months, ... 
Moving cables around killed dynamics for days anyone else experience this?
Depends on how many times you have heard Ted Denney tell you that if you move the cables, you have to wait days for them to settle ... as his excuse for never doing double blind tests, even though he has claimed he would, but then backed out.  
Moving cables around killed dynamics for days anyone else experience this?
^^^^^^A normal response would be "Oh sorry, did not realize humidity could impact the attenuation that much.".Who cares? Most systems are too bright anyway. 
Moving cables around killed dynamics for days anyone else experience this?
Over typical listening temperatures, it does not make much differences, but w.r.t. humidity it can. Depending on the reference quoted, at 5 meters attenuation of 1db at 10KHz  at the right humidity level will happen. When you consider directed sou... 
Strong bass causing buzzing behind the wall
It sounds like whatever is behind the drywall is "hitting" the drywall as the drywall vibrates or vice-versa or the metal frame attached to the drywall is vibrating against the HVAC ducting. Pushing on the drywall either damps the drywall and/or p... 
Moving cables around killed dynamics for days anyone else experience this?
>>>>>Yeah, right. Maybe if you live in the Okefenokee Swamp.No, but if you live in say Arizona, or you don't humidify you house in a cool climate, then yes humidity can dip into the 10-30% range where frequencies can be attenuate in... 
Another marketing gimmick?
That’s just an aesthetic take on a what reviewers say is a great sounding amp. It’s a Gallium nitride power FET device that only the maker has access to, since he designed it. All other GaN devices are for radar and if used for audio, are modified... 
Who else here is frugal?
Spending not enough money usually results in more unhappiness than spending a bit too much. Of course spending way too much makes me unhappy as well.I definitely consider myself frugal w.r.t. audio equipment, but frugal for 1 person is 1K, someone... 
Difference in sound between copper and silver digital cables?
Dogma is dogma, no matter the belief. If you think you are immune from visual bias, that is huge dogma.  Some of us have done extensive testing over the years and accept our limitations, hence try to control our testing experiences. If someone cla... 
THD In Light Bulbs
No, that is not what it means. A power factor <1 simply means that current and power are out of phase. This does not mean that there is "wasted power". Power factor does not give any definitive indication of wasted power. That means that half o... 
Moving cables around killed dynamics for days anyone else experience this?
douglas_schroeder+1Bass doesn't magically disappear / reappear moving cables unless you have some serious issues with corrosion on your speaker contacts or on the AC contacts to your power amps. Some tube gear is overly sensitive to line voltage.... 
MQA and classical music
For me, the MQA adaptive filtering is what I think most "kills" the music. I notice it most on the decay of "sharp" notes, drums, some piano, etc.  Given the typical recording chain today is 40+KHz (not 20KHz), and that most recordings are close m...