
Responses from audiolui

Thiel CS7.2 vs Revel Salon2
With the new phono stage I just brought, my system including the 7.2 sounds fabulous. The 7.2 is actually a classic speaker IMHO. With classical music, the 7.2 can sound a bit stressed on the highs at the loudest peak. I heard better highs on othe... 
Thiel CS7.2 vs Revel Salon2
I auditioned the Salon 2 this evening. I wish I could borrow them for home audition, but the dealer won't let me hual such big speakers home for listening.They used a pair of CJ LP140M monoblocks, CJ ACT 2 Series 2, SME 10, SME v, and Benz Ebony H... 
Thiel CS7.2 vs Revel Salon2
Yyz,The CS3.7 is a very good speaker system. Although I didn't listen to it at home, I do think it has better mid-range than the 7.2. The highs are close. But the 7.2 obviously digs deeper on the bass and also more dynamic. I guess this is the adv... 
Thiel CS7.2 vs Revel Salon2
Interesting thoughts, folks. Moving to Salon 2 is a lateral move? Very possible. I am going to audition it this weekend and will report my thought and experience.I do like my 7.2 a lot. It is very revealing. After upgrading to a new phono stage, n... 
Time for new used cartridge
A Benz LP might be your ticket given your taste and the type of music you listen to. 
Tonearm cabling for Graham Phantom
I agree with Hi5harry. I have a Graham Phantom II and now use the Tara Lab GX phono cable which offers the most airy and spacious presentation of all phono cables I tried in the past. Retail is very expensive. I would look for it in used market. 
Tonearm cabling for Graham Phantom
I used Graham IC-70 Right Angle DIN to RCA and also PAD Venustas DIN to XLR. Different results. Both sound good. 
Upgrade from TW Acustic Raven AC-3 to what?
I guess you can try Clearaudio. To some Clearaudio tables sound analytical to them. To me, it is very spacious and focused, but be careful matching it with the right equipment. In my opinion, Clearaudio stuff is usually very detailed, spacious and... 
Cartridge impedance: How important is it ??
10X5 is a moving coil and Elys is Moving Magnet. MM and MC do sound very different. At 47K loading, most MC will sound too bright. They need lower loadings to tame their brightness. Other than brightness, other areas like bass, soundstage, etc. ma... 
Bitstream VS PCM Linear Multichannel..
Yes, I am running all HDMI. That is simple and should take advantage of all digital signal. Yes, OPPO now has a SE version that upgrades the analog output. Since I don't use the analog out, I am not going to upgrade. The video quality is very good... 
Bitstream VS PCM Linear Multichannel..
I used to use PS3 to both play video game and Blue Ray movies. Since I got a new Onkyo that can decode HD signal, I bought an OPPO BDP-83 and have it output bitstream so that the Onkyo decodes it. It works great. For anything under $1,000, in my o... 
HDMI cable made a difference in picture quality??
"I actually A/Bed the $7.00 Firefold HDMI cable to a $100 Monster Cable HDMI and preferred the Firefold"I'd better try the Firefold then. A $7 is better than a $100? Well, I agree price alone doesn't mean much sometimes. I am gonna order one and r... 
HDMI cable made a difference in picture quality??
HDMI cables were designed to transmit digital signals, both audio and video. I would use HDMI cable if you want to take advantage of your 1080p TV. HDMI cable does make a difference especially if you have bigger TV. I compared a generic brand ($45... 
Has anyone heard the new OPPO BDP-83SE
Note that, according to their website, the upgrade will only benefit those who use analog output to their amps/receivers/processors. Users who use pure digital or HDMI hookup does not need to upgrade. 
Linestage needed
Are you sure the noise is coming from SP9? Could it be from Rhea? I don't have experience with a modded Rhea. But my friend used to have a Rhea which to me wasn't very quiet. Perhaps either or both Rhea and SP9 need new tubes?