
Responses from audiolui

Bryston 7bsst vs 28bsst?
Cost no object? Then it is easy; get the 28B SST square. I wonder why Bryston would make amps that cost more than double the 7B SST square and they sound the same as the 7B. 
Converting LP's to digital files
I use Bellari VP530 phono stage with a USB output to my laptop. I then use a free software from Audacity. This combo works fine. 
In the meantime
Don't play too loud and cause the receiver to clip, then the speakers will be unharmed. 
Mcintosh C-2300 first impressions
Give it some time. My CJ preamp bloomed after some 50 to 100 hours of play time. I almost packed it up for sale during the first few hours of listening.I don't have any experience with McIntosh, but do hope it sounds better within your return window. 
New Lamm models in sight??
Why don't you send an email to Lamm? Elina from Lamm is very nice and will answer your question. 
Quick poll: Listening at night, lights ON or OFF ?
Soft lighting by the equipment that I am facing. Try to create similar lighting as in a symphony hall. 
Why did I get married?
You guys are funny. Everyone is enthusistic about cracking out jokes. I play louder when my wife and kid are not home. So you need to know her schedule. For me, grocery shopping is my golden time for listening. Oh, whenever she wants to go to my m... 
Tom Evans Groove X, Aesthetix Rhea or JLTI
An used Basis Exclusive (blue board) should be around $3k. It was dead quiet. It is hard to beat battery power supply in terms of low noise. Mini Exclusive will be cheaper although I never owned one. But I would think it should be quiet as well. 
MPC power for Synergistic Research
I agree with Violin. With MPC, it is more spacious and more bloom to the sound. The Quattro power supply is better than the MPC and will elevate the sonic level by another notch. 
Cheap Interconnects from Hong Kong
I bought a Monster HDMI cable (top of the line) on eBay and I believe it was fake as I took the whole package to a Best Buy store and compared the eBay one with the one sold in Best Buy side by side. The fake one lacked some logos and description.... 
Kimber Kable VS Speaker Cable
Double run may sound even better than single one. If it doesn't contribute to the sound, I guess you can sell it in Audiogon. 
Belari VP530 and conversion of LP's to CD
I also use Bellari VP530. I downloaded the software from Audacity free. It is a simple process. Audacity also provides instructions. The sound is adequate for my use which is mostly car stereo. 
My findings on Magico V2.....what now?
I listened to the Magico V3 with VAC tube pre/amps (140w)combo and I didn't get connected with music either. Perhaps the amps can't drive the V3? Not sure. Nothing wrong with Magico speakers. They sounded like high end speakers. I guess I need to ... 
Graham Phantom ArmWand ?
I would call Bob or the distributor for advice. I do think the titanium wand should work well with Phantom I. I have Phantom II. One of the upgrades from I to II is the titanium arm wand. 
Revel Salon2 owner: What amps are you using?
Wpines,I agree the Salon2 can sound like monitors with solos and simple music, and can sound big and bold when pushed. They do love current.