
Responses from audiolui

LP Cleaning brush
I have been using the same nylon brush for years and the records seem working fine. What did your friends suggest? 
Wilson Sasha's - All evolution in Wilsons are.....
Tpreaves,You are funny. LOL, "Trash receptacle in a high school cafeteria" Anyway, I have never owned any Wilson speakers. I do think they should be decent sounding given the price they are asking. 
Usage of Outer Ring
I am using Clearaudio's own outer ring on my Maximum Solution. I would say the images and soundstage are more solid with the outer ring on. 
Kimber Palladian PK10 vs PK14?
Happy listening. You will be blown away by the Kimber power cords. 
Kimber Palladian PK10 vs PK14?
If money is not a problem, I would pick PK10 for everything. But Branislav wants to wisely allocate his money, I suggest PK14 for source and PK10 for amps. I would pick PK10 for the integraded.I agree with Rcprince. PK10 is heavier gauge. 
Revel Salon 2 Owner - Bi-wire or jumpers?
Well, the Salon2 doesn't blow away the Thiel 7.2. The Thiel is a classic and a bargain. However, newer drivers and technolgoy do make a difference.I think the Salon2 has less cabinet resonance and the beryllium tweeter is silker and smoother than ... 
Kimber Palladian PK10 vs PK14?
Where are you going to plug the Kimble power cord to? To power amp, I would use PK10. But for CD player or preamp,PK14 is adequate. 
No markings at all? I have a CJ ACT 2 whose bottom is right and top is left. Or put on some familiar music that you know the instrument position. Violin sections are on the left side for orchestral music. You can use that to test. 
Some Graham Phantom Concerns.
I used to have Graham 2.2, Phantom I, and now have Phantom II. I used to own a Dynavector XV-1s that weighed 13 grams. I didn't have problem with it using the Phantom I. Its counterweight is more than enough to balance the XV-1s. You might have mi... 
Music Hall 2.2 Cartridge Upgrade?
I used to have a Project Perspective and a Grado Reference Platinum ($300). The sound was very warm, smooth and lush. However I prefer fast, clean, and quick transient type of sound. So I switched to Audio Technica AT150mlx. I am now using it with... 
Happy Christmass everyone
Merry Christmas. May you all have the fund for any new components or upgrades you want. Happy listening. 
Eggleston Andra III vs Revel Salon2
Toetapfactor,How do you like your Andra III compared to the Salon2? 
Thiel CS7.2 vs Revel Salon2
For light weight (easty to pack & unpack) items such as cables, preamp, CD player, phonostages, small bookshelfs and power cords, most dealers are willing to let you borrow with a credit number or some sort of deposits. I did that many times b... 
Solidsteel 5.5 rack: To fill, or not to fill?
I filled it all up with dry (sterile) sand. I just need to increase its weight. 
Thiel CS7.2 vs Revel Salon2
Stevecham,My Lamm M2.2 is very powerful. I am using its 4-ohm tap and it drives the 7.2 successfully. I don't think it was the amp. I do think the 7.2's high is not as dynamic as its bass. Reviewers already pointed that out. It really doesn't both...