
Responses from audiolui

DVD picture too small using component cable
Well, time for a new player. Latest DVD players are quite inexpensive. Better yet, get a Blue Ray player. 
DVD picture too small using component cable
TV remote has a button for you to adjust it to either widescreen or regular 4:3. Hope that helps. 
Graham Phantom , simple tweak for improved sound
Interesting. I didn't hear any sonic difference with tightening or not tightening the VTA screw. Great that serves as a tweak to improve the sound for you. 
PS3 for blu and surround
The easiest and the most economic way is to use Toslink connection with digital out from PS3 to digital in on the receiver. 
Phono preamp gain setting
You should feel free to try different resistance loading and gain setting. I don't believe it will harm anything. You can also call the manaufacturer just to make sure. 
Dynavector XV-1S tracking force issue
I used to have XV-1s and was tracking it at 2.1g. The sound was great. I also tried HP's recommended 2.5g, 2.6g, and 2.7g. I didn't hear any sonic benefit. But the cartridge almost bottomed out at 2.7g. The bottom part of the cartridge almost touc... 
Graham Phantom B44 Specs
I believe the effective mass is 11 grams. 
members with no feedback?
For member (seller) without any feedback, I would deal with them if only the transaction involves smaller dollar amount to minimize risk. 
Revel Salons and Adcom amp, good match?
The Salon is in different league. The Adcom will do fine, but I will definitely explore other higher quality amps. 
Please recommend for my next upgrade
The OPPO SE is definitely worth your trial. 
Please recommend for my next upgrade
The first thing that comes to my mind is the OPPO BDP-83 blue-ray player that sells for $499 retail. Used in Audiogon is around $430. 
The Fozgometer is in serious back order at this point. I want to try one also. 
Thiel CS3.6
Does the VT100 MKII have a 4 ohm tap? Normally many Thiel speakers love solid state amps. 
Benz LP cartridge distortion - any advise?
The seller is willing to take care of it. That may mean that there could be a problem with the cartridge. Good for you. 
Benz LP cartridge distortion - any advise?
Hm.. It could be the cartridge. The Benz LP is, in my opinion, a warm and full bodied cartridge. I am surprised it generates lots of sibilance. I guess loading down the cartridge won't help either. I think you can retip it at a price. Perhaps the ...