
Responses from audiokinesis

use only bass in 3 way speaker?
If the filter topology to the midrange and/or tweeter in your old speakers is second order or higher, and if there are no damping resistors on the parallel legs of the filter, there will be a frequency or frequencies at which the load presented to... 
Best Musical Sub
Room/speaker interaction is a challenge at low frequencies. Compared to the relatively minor frequency response differences between two different high quality subwoofer systems, what the room does to wreck their smoothness is huge. That's the main... 
Single driver speakers without the pitfalls?
You might take a look at the Classic Audio T-7, it's the closest approach I know of to what you're looking for. Dukedealer for other stuff 
Requesting info on Audio Kinesis ZEPHRIN Speakers
If I might connect some dots here, on how the Zephrins are related to the Dream Makers...It all started with me being a SoundLab owner (who became a dealer). There was something the SoundLabs did right that I hadn't experienced from other dipoles.... 
Size of Midrange Drivers
Kijanki, yes larger diameter voice coils are definitely desirable from a thermal standpoint, all else being equal. Ferrofluid helps as well, assuming it's a good heat conductor, which it probably is. On the other hand I don't recall seeing any pro... 
Size of Midrange Drivers
Of course every designer has different priorities, but one of Siegfried Linkwitz's top priorities in the Dvorak was radiation pattern control. His target radiation pattern called for fairly large diameter midrange cones. Impact and dynamics are pr... 
Sloped baffle
Just took a look at this thread; the title didn't obviously say "read me" so it took me a while to check it out.Lowpass drivers lag behind highpass drivers in both time and phase, and a sloped baffle can introduce a limited amount of compensation ... 
Top brand speakers
In general I try to avoid internet squabbles with fellow industry members because I think it's bad form. But I will toss out a few thoughts on the concept of unearned authority, which is something that arises beyond these walls as well.In any fiel... 
Top brand speakers
"People in this business know... that I can create a superior endresult compared to them. I do not have to proff this anymore. They know it!!"Kindly do not lump me in with those who allegedly acknowledge and concede your claims.Dukedealer/manufact... 
Top brand speakers
Welcome to a wonderful hobby! Music can transform you, it can take you to a place where your soul speaks to you, and music well-rendered does this best. While live music is the "reference" that we aim for, it's often easier to listen deeply to rec... 
Is it possible to have Good Imaging close to wall
If there is sufficient time delay between the first-arrival sound and the onset of significant reverberant energy, we can have the best of both worlds - imaging and envelopment. Reflections done right are beneficial from the standpoint of envelopm... 
Is it possible to have Good Imaging close to wall
"Early reflections off a wall is what compromises imaging usually."Agreed.The ear/brain system uses the time delay between the first arrival sound and the onset of reflections in judging the distance of a sound source ("image depth"). This isn't t... 
Subwoofer's Front Firing vs. Down Firing
It is literally impossible to hear a subwoofer in a room without hearing the room. By the time your ears have heard enough full cycles to detect the pitch, those long wavelengths have been around the room several times. Point being, it's always su... 
Need suggestions on bookshelf speaker upgrades
Hi Ctsooner,Thanks for your kind words. I don't want to wax too commercial here, but since you asked, I have models ranging from 2.7 grand to 10 grand. I have just started selling my most advanced models (not yet on my website) through a dealer ne... 
Need suggestions on bookshelf speaker upgrades
Since imaging is a top priority of NYaudio98, let me toss out a few comments.Good imaging would include two attributes in abundance: Precise localization of sound sources, and a sense of immersion in the acoustic space of the recording.To a certai...