
Responses from audiokinesis

pairing 4 ohm speakers with 8 ohm speakers
Hi Raisedonrock,Reading between the lines, it sounds like you really love music and you're trying to figure out the best way to "plow with the horses you've got". I respect that.If I understand correctly, your stacked Advents are currently wired i... 
Purpose of Dome on Tweeter...
The purpose of the dome shape is rigidity. Domes are very strong for their weight. At frequencies where the dome is effectively rigid, the dispersion is essentially that of a piston of the same diameter. The dome shape does not improve dispersion ... 
Opinions on efficient bookshelf speakers 95db?
"... very easy to drive due to lack of complex xover."Actually it is the impedance curve (both phase and magnitude) that the amplifier sees and interacts with; the amplifier has no idea how "complex" the crossover is, nor does it care. Intuitively... 
Getting phantom image perfectly centered
It is possible that you have a bit of high frequency loss in the one ear. A crude but quick test is, rub your fingers together right next to one ear, and then right next to the other. Is the tonal balance exactly the same?By the way, I use the fin... 
Traveling never going to happen??? need advice
Offer to meet the buyer halfway, such that a 1500 mile drive becomes a 750 mile drive for each of you, which is do-able in one day.I know that's not answering the question you asked, but imo it doesn't matter how many audiophiles would or would no... 
What speakers for 10k?
Zd542,My post was in response to this, posted by After_hrs, in reply to Onemanwolfpack's critique:"The fact that you are blasting a patent (anyone can look it up) that was issued by a panel of PHD accredited experts in the field shows that you are... 
What speakers for 10k?
Just one more "for the record" comment:A device does not have to be proven to work, nor convince any PHD panel of experts that it will work, in order to be granted a patent. The criteria are "novelty" (it must be something new) and "non-obviousnes... 
Speaker recommendation
Many years ago I helped someone in Madagascar get a pair of MMGs. The MMGs were only available direct from Magnepan, and Magnepan wouldn't ship to Madagascar, so I bought them from Magnepan and then shipped them on to Madagascar. Imo in a large ro... 
What speakers for 10k?
Regarding engineers, any piece of audio equipment that sounds good didn't get that way by being poorly engineered.Marketing and engineering are very different disciplines. Marketing uses emotion(!!!) and engineering uses math (yawn). Anyway, it is... 
A whole new meaning to "live" music
My first pair of homebrew speakers, built in 1979 when I lived in rural Louisiana, were huge transmission line systems using B-stock KEF drivers. They were so large that I had to do the final assembly upstairs in my room because they wouldn't have... 
Anyone else own EPI/Epicure "back in the day?"
I had a pair of Epicure Model 400's, square footprint omni-style towers with a 6" woofer and 1" tweeter on each of the four vertical faces. Rich timbre and warm tonal balance, okay clarity, but poor image specificity. I had "rescued" them from a B... 
Magnepan 1.7 and Subwoofer help/recommendations
Getting deep bass that matches the smoothness (and therefore subjective "speed") of a pair of Maggies is a challenge. You see, dipoles inherently have smoother in-room bass than monopoles do. In going from two dipole speakers to a single monopole ... 
Polling Magnepan Users - Room Size
Big Maggies and other line-source-approximating speakers have an interesting characteristic: The sound pressure level falls off more slowly with distance than from a point-source-approximating loudspeaker. So they lend themselves to larger rooms b... 
Speaker type: is more affected by room acoustics
Asking questions about improving the speaker/room interaction is, imo, asking the right questions. The speaker and room form a system, and these two parts of the system do not always work well together. But they can.In my opinion the best approach... 
use only bass in 3 way speaker?
I think you can drive your Isophons with a subwoofer amp, which would allow you to roll off everything above the subwoofer region. No modifications necessary, the variable low-pass filter in the amp, along with its other controls, would give you t...