
Responses from audiokinesis

Dynamics In A Speaker
Ime preserving dynamics has to do with minimizing those things that cause compression, namely voice coil heating, subsequent magnet heating, flux modulation, and mechanical system non-linearities. Voice coil heating causes rapid-onset thermal modu... 
When speakers duplicate drivers
Using two woofer to cover the same frequency range is neither inherently good nor bad, it just depends on what the designer is trying to do.Compared to using a single woofer, using two of that woofer to cover the same frequency range lowers the di... 
What are the best subwoofers to use with Magnepan 20.1s?
James Kates published a paper in the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society years ago that showed dipoles to have smoother in-room bass than monopoles.   Since getting smooth in-room bass at low frequencies is difficult at best, getting in-room ... 
Speakers VERY close to wall - Cork board useful?
Willy Wonka’s cowl increased the effective port length and lowered the tuning frequency, which is the direction you want to go to compensate for the increased boundary reinforcement from placement near the wall.  I incorporate variable port tuning... 
Speakers VERY close to wall - Cork board useful?
Four inches should be plenty of clearance for the ports.  Even a bit less is still functionally fine - as the port gets closer to the wall the effective tuning frequency moves lower, which is the direction you'd want it to go. I assume that the co... 
Help pricing a set of horns
DIY speakers don't have much resale value unless the buyer has heard them and likes them.You might be better off selling the individual component parts piecemeal.   
Concert Experience for $5k?
The bass impact and naturalness you are seeking call for a speaker system that does a good job of taking the room’s effects into account, otherwise the room will impose unacceptably large peaks and dips on the bass region. This is a problem inhere... 
bo1972, there is nothing wrong with making experimental observations as you do, but in my opinion one critical element seems to be lacking: A strong background in acoustics and psychoacoustics. The human mind loves to have explanations for what it... 
Just for the record, I am skeptical of the notion that cone material makes an audibly significant difference in the low bass region, as long as the cone is stiff enough to behave as a piston. I don’t doubt that a person could hear a difference bet... 
"Duke, does your opinion change if I am only interested in good bass at a single location in the room?"If you're going to be equalizing for that single location, I can only think of one theoretical disadvantage of using just one sub:  If you have ... 
A normal home listening room will impose huge peaks and dips on the output of a subwoofer or pair of speakers. As we increase the number of intelligently distributed bass sources in a room, we significantly reduce the magnitude of those peaks and ... 
Where are the passive subs?
Thank you very much, Fernando!Duke 
Where are the passive subs?
I build a subwoofer system called The Swarm that consists of four small passive subs and a separate amplifier that drives all four.  On occasion I have sold the subs without the amp, but I don't sell the subs in ones and twos - only four at a time... 
Should I get a second sub or a higher quality single sub?
As a general principle, the in-room smoothness in the bass region improves as the number of independent bass sources increases.  So two subs intelligently placed (far apart instead of close together, for instance) will have about half as much vari... 
Speakers for my room
It sounds to me like kmurp places a high priority on what’s happening outside the traditional "sweet spot". It is possible to get not only correct tonal balance, but also pretty good soundstaging, for listeners well outside the sweet spot IF the s...