
Responses from audiokinesis

Calling all Horn lovers
I have at least one customer who set up his hybrid horn speakers (waveguide-type horn on top, direct radiator woofer on bottom) in a nearfield setup so close that he could lean forward in his chair and touch them. I was skeptical, but heard it mys... 
Need Audio room advice and opinions. Treatments an
I used to armchair-quarterback room acoustic treatments from time to time, but having seen the quality of work that a professional can do, I have backed off because my advice would fall so far short. Getting the right kind of treatment in the righ... 
Calling all Horn lovers
My own fondness for waveguide-style constant-directivity horns is largely because of the radiation pattern control that format offers. I believe that the reverberant field plays a much larger role in perception than it is normally given credit for... 
Loudspeaker Cross-Overs and the Recording Arts
In my experience there are many aspects of loudspeaker design that are of far, far greater audible consequence than the specific crossover topology the designer used to achieve his or her goals. If you're going to be at RMAF, stop by room 1100 and... 
Floorstanding Speakers for Bluesy Rock 5-10k ?
"I can't imagine the bass response [of a horn system] to be anywhere near sufficient for blues/rock."It depends on what type of horn system you mean. If you're talking about a single fullrange driver in a back-loaded horn, then yes the bass will b... 
Need advice on large room design
You might consider engaging the services of a professional acoustician, so that your efforts are directed by someone who really knows what they're doing. This is the sort of project where intelligent choices made early on are of great value, but m... 
Anyone hear or own Volti Audio Vittora speakers?
Volti will be showing at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest, assuming central Colorado hasn't washed away by then. Room 1102. 
small room big sound
You might want to make contact with Tony Chipelo of Electra-Fidelity. He's in Las Vegas. Here's his website:'ve been friends with Tony for years. His dealership isn't very old but it comes with a lot of experience.Duke 
What speakers work best with electronic music?
This is a job for... high quality waveguides or horns with high quality compression drivers, high quality prosound woofers, well designed crossovers, and possibly a distributed multisub system. Designed to be loafing along at 10% of its rated powe... 
Sub-woofer fast enough for Horns?
The two primary researchers in the field of multiple subs are Todd Welti of Harmon International, and Earl Geddes of GedLee, LLC. Briefly, Welti investigated symmetrical configurations while Geddes advocates asymmetrical configurations. Todd Welti... 
Soundlab reliable?
I've been a SoundLab dealer since the late 90's and only know of one case of a failure involving a PX panel, and that was due to shipping damage - specifically, a forklift spearing the crate that the panel was in. There were two main sources of re... 
Sub-woofer fast enough for Horns?
Something that isn't obvious at first glance is that we literally cannot hear bass in our home listening rooms without hearing the room. The ear cannot detect the presence of bass energy without hearing at least one full cycle. And it cannot detec... 
Sub-woofer fast enough for Horns?
It is the shape of the in-room bass frequency response curve, rather than the "speed" of the woofer, that is primarily responsible for how "fast" the bass sounds.Lumpy bass = "slow" bass, as over-emphasis somewhere in the bass region gives the sub... 
Efficient Floorstander
Hi Jwlaff,Some owner and listener comments on my speakers here: owner here: interesting comment from a dealer and self-described horn hate... 
Best qualified surround speakers for home theater
In my opinion the best type of speaker for use as home theater surrounds would be a line array or some variation on that theme. Here's why:You want the relative loudness of the left and right side surround speakers to be as uniform as possible for...