
Responses from audiokinesis

Inna wrote, presumably referring to what I said about reverberant energy: "Yeah, 'if done right' is the key. The room should be précisely tuned too, in this case especially so, I assume."Actually speakers that generate spectrally-correct (or nearl... 
While I'm sure both speakers are excellent examples of their respective philosophies, imo in this case the Sonus Faber Aida starts out with a superior paradigm: Getting not only the direct sound, but ALSO the reverberant soound, right.The (adjusta... 
need help with subwoofer setup. crossover related
Overlap can be dealt with via the phase control on the subwoofer amp.I recently set up a system where the mains had a muddy bottom end but we didn't have a suitably high-quality highpass filter to roll off their bottom end. So I overlapped with th... 
Any experience with TAD speakers ?
@Lewinskih01,TAD's prosound division is pretty much a separate entity from their home audio division, and the latter doesn't sell drivers directly to the public.Andrew Jones of KEF went to work for the TAD home audio division and brought his conce... 
Any thoughts on passive v. active speakers?
"Next I'm going to throw my Braun L200s onto of my ADS810s and run them in parallel to get to 16 Ohms."As Almarg pointed out, series rather than parallel connection will give you a nominal 16-ohm load (assuming the Braun and ADS are both 8-ohm loa... 
Any thoughts on passive v. active speakers?
On average, I would guess that an active speaker outperforms a typical amp + passive speaker combination. But seldom does an active speaker include amplification at the same level as what a specialty amp manufacturer can deliver. Imo you're alread... 
In Memoriam: Bobby Palkovich of Merlin Music
Sonist survived the passing of Randy Bankert, and Sonist had a considerably smaller following than Merlin does. Merlin has earned a lot of name recognition, credibility, and respect over a lot of years, and I would be surprised if no one takes adv... 
Let's try this a different way then
Maggies are quite forgiving of proximity to sidewalls because they have nulls off to the sides, being dipoles. They also like a lot of breathing room behind them, again because they're dipoles. So unless placement constraints prevent you from taki... 
Speaker Advice?
The problem isn't port location, as demonstrated by the Audio Notes that Philjolet referred to. Rather, the problem is that most speakers are not tuned (or capable of being tuned) for placement in a corner.But it sounds like only one of your speak... 
Input on speaker sizing for a lively room.
From your initial post: "I am at an age where this opportunity won't likely be repeated and would like explore possibilities I likely would never have known about."And from your second post:"I have no experience in what role the design elements ac... 
Input on speaker sizing for a lively room.
In a room that size, especially given that you have an open floorplan, imo looking through a somewhat unorthodox lens is called for.Presumably most of your listening will be done fairly far from the speakers. As a result the ratio of direct to rev... 
Tweeter placement
The ear's ability to localize sound sources is quite good in the horizontal plane but rather poor in the vertical plane. In particular, the ear tends to mis-judge the height of low frequency and high frequency sound sources (it's pretty good in th... 
Speakers to audition at AXPONA 2015
Ohlala, you mentioned Essential Audio's Sound Lab room last year. I'm not about to claim that my little Zephrins are going to fill the shoes of the magnificent Sound Labs, but in a way the Sound Labs were their inspiration. You see, one of the thi... 
Purpose of Dome on Tweeter...
"Would there be an advantage to domed woofers"?If it gave the behavior the designer wanted, then yes. My guess is that there would be a tradeoff, where the dome diaphragm is probably stiffer and remains pistonic to a higher frequency, but then has... 
Speakers to hang on to for LIFE
It's an honor and a pleasant surprise to have speakers that I build become a topic in this thread. Pankaj wrote: "Hi O_holter my I was interested in the audiokineses LCS Dreammakers likw what you have I have been listening to a pair of Green Mount...